2021-2022 USC Transfer

winter grades could be different dependent on whether if your school is on a quarter or semester schedule… for example my CC is semester so winter grade would have been any classes I took during the winter semester period (January until the 1st week of February)

yup! :slight_smile:

I have yet to get any sort of official request for anything other than financial aid stuff. Are you all getting them through email?

Are the items in the drop-down menu required to be submitted? Because I only have 4 items in my checklist and they’ve all have a green check-mark next to them.

I mean if they don’t anything from you then there would be no need for them to notify you… look at it this way, if people are getting ask for things it means they are ACTIVELY looking at our applications now… Whoop Whoop!!!

on a lighter note, this is a picture of the admissions office after taking our phone calls and emails about our decisions deadline :sweat_smile:


Thank You!

That picture just made my day :joy:, although I really hope “SOON” actually means veryyyy SOOOOON.


aka TODAY!! :crossed_fingers:

Got accepted last night, biology. I’m so excited is there a group chat for transfer? I just found out about this thread


plz man not now, find something better to do i promise u will find something

I’m sorry? I don’t understand

wait are u a transfer student? I thought we dont hear back till may 31

flag these weirdos bruh


Yes transfer and ttp, I know it was rolling but I’m surprised to hear back so early. I’m a junior transfer

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I’m a non-TTP so I’m expecting May but if you’re a TTPer I hope you hear soon

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What do you mean? I came on here to find people to talk to about usc next year. There’s no reason to be rude to me and call me names

Dude stop this is so sad. Pick up a hobby or make some new friends instead of wasting ur time trolling on College Confidential.

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ah I see, congrats !!!

The latest should be May 31st. Decisions should start to roll out sometime within the next 2 weeks

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Okay I guess I’m not welcome here, I literally got accepted last night as some of my Junior transfer friends and hoping to reach out to more transfer. I didn’t know this thread was so unwelcoming