2021-2022 USC Transfer

thank you!

I donā€™t get why people are out here being rude to the guy, all he said was he was admitted. No reason to get all sweaty over that.

Congrats Calwiththein if the admission is true. The reason people are in disbelief is because we havenā€™t had confirmation yet as to when decisions will begin to roll out


If you truly got accepted that me amazing to hearā€¦ we have had some folks trolling being rude to the group earlier this week



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Thank you. Iā€™m excited, although I was hoping for a better community to talk in haha. I hope you get In also.

Thank you, I hope you get in also.

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No please stayā€¦ itā€™s nice to hear someone got accepted

Thank you, and if you applied as well, I hope for good news soon.

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I appreciate that! Everyone here is kind, itā€™s just people are on edge lol No worries dude, good luck at USC or whatever school you decide to go to.

Believe me, everyone here is super nice, itā€™s just this whole school application process thatā€™s so stressful


I apologize for being rude. It was annoying last night having trolls in the thread and I thought you were also one. Congrats on your acceptance!

Yeah I can imagine, I had ttp but deicide to transfer for junior year because $$$. Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s why I got a decision pretty quick. I was very shocked tbh, but yeah Iā€™m planning on usc

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funny how he says heā€™s a junior but his profile which was created 14 mins ago says heā€™s a freshman. kinda weird usc broke all norms to post a decision just for u late at night. anyways, congrats, u got our attention yay.


Yes I made the account bc I just out about this thread and wanted to reply. That was also the first thing I had and didnā€™t feel the need to put the correct one. But if you donā€™t believe me, then what can I say. You get the energy you put in the world.

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I didnā€™t know you were allowed to do that with ttp how does that work?? also congrats!

Congrats on your acceptance! This is the place for transfers, but most of us arenā€™t admitted yet. There isnā€™t an admitted transfers forum yet, and Iā€™m sorry that you were met with rudeness. There have been some people coming in here ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  us, so thatā€™s why some people are on edge. It doesnā€™t make it right but thatā€™s why. If you feel comfortable doing this, thereā€™s a stats and decisions forum where you can share your stats with others for insight purposes. This is it:


are you ttp?

no, why?

oh okay no I was just wondering if they were only requesting stuff from TTP people right now.

Congrats!!! You are definitely welcome here!

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oh okay, I think they requested because I did my writing and math requirement during the winter quarter

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