2021-2022 USC Transfer

will we get an email notification from usc about a status update on our application?

what was your GPA? and were you TTP?


oh ok. thank you so much!

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I’m with you buddy.

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If decisions don’t come out today, who knows what the decision timeline will look like now. The trends from previous years are not seeming to follow suit with this year’s decision timeline.

I thought may 1st was the general date for releasing admissions decisions ?
is there a chance we get notified before ?

It’s actually May 31st, which is pretty late considering June 1st is commonly the date of commitment for transfers. By May 31st, you will either get an admission decision or Final Spring Grade Request. If you get a Final Spring Grade Request, chances are you will hear your decision in June or July depending on when your current college (whether that be a quarter or semester system) ends, since they’ll need your final Spring Semester grades. The thing is though in USC’s prior timeline for transfers, applicants (specifically TTP applicants) have heard about the 2nd week of April. After that, many more waves of decisions and SGR’s come out throughout the latter end of April and also May for both TTP and non-TTP applicants.

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ahh okay, thanks !

Hey I’m freaking out. I wanna be accepted to USC BAD bad. If I were to post some of my stats, could someone help me out with assessing my chances??? Thanks

Hey, we do not normally do chance my posts here
 but you can post here 2021-2022 Transfer Student Stats. Its not to be rude, we just like to keep this forum for discussions, status (if we hear back from admission) and general questions
 a lot of us follow both forums so feel free to post your current stats there

Trust me brother, we are all freakin out right now
 and we are very supportive on the emotions if you want to vent about the process or have any questions
 most of us has been here since application deadline and have asked a variety of questions so feel free to search the thread because we are sure you might have questions that we probably have answered already

Cheers to next week everyone and the decisions that may come out (gonna emphasize that “may” :sunglasses:). Until then, stay safe, stay well, and most importantly, stay thriving.


i guess following this year’s trend of everything being a week late, next week should be the THE WEEK lmao. someone put an end to this misery😣


anyone transferring from a csu as a sophomore?

Anyone from SMC?

We should be seeing decisions end of april or mid may

I’m a non-ttp and just got a winter grade request, have any other non ttp’s gotten a winter/ spring grade request?


me too, yesterday