2021-2022 USC Transfer

don’t worry u will be fine, there are many transfers i know who receive free tuition with incomes that’s even a bit higher than urs. u just gotta wait and see the fin aid package as usc has a weird way of calculating need based aid using css profile and fafsa.

Hey. Relax. I agree with @KyawCR7. Even though that 80k thing doesnt apply to transfers, usc generally gives alot of aid to low income families. Cant say for sure because they calculate it weirdly but you are likely to get a good package if your family makes that amount of money

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You’ll be fine. They still give out excellent aid to transfer students. With that income you should get full tuition or very close. If you don’t like your package and you think you need more, you can always appeal the financial aid package and you might get more.

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Yeah my family barely makes 30k so I was panicking when I first found out. But again, at least they promise to meet 100% of the student need based on their calculations so hopefully we will be fine

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Hi all, been lurking for a while but now I can finally share something. My DD got a spring grade request I believe either yesterday or the day before, NON TTP, freshman from California Community College. Good Luck to everyone!


I am, I am currently at sjsu and am now a freshman praying for that acceptance!!

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Anyone at CoC (College of the Canyons)?

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yes i am!


What are you majoring in and are you applying as a freshman or sophomore?

I’m a sophmore and I applied to marshall as first choice and dornsife econ second choice. hby?


I’m a sophomore too, and applied to Roski as my first choice, and undecided as my second choice.

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Is there a special process for transfers to get scholarships (similar to the first-year’s process) or do they just give it out based on your application (like without the whole interview process)?

They give it to you.

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haha! hope you get in

if non-ttp’s are getting sgr’s already i can only assume the first batch of acceptances for ttp’s r coming next week

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which one if u dont mind me asking?

me :slight_smile:

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Yay, i am not alone! Are you done with your GEs and degree pre-req (if any) after this semester?

Just what I thought. I really hope they come at early next weeeeek.

I heard mixed thoughts on this, but does anyone know if transfers receive an actual physical package like first-years, cause some people have said transfers don’t?