2021-2022 USC Transfer

yeah i think people are scared of the usc price tag lol. i hope we really get in! it’s my dream school and i can’t wait anymoreee

Does everyone have spring grade (unoffical) and winter grade (unofficial) in their upload materials or does that mean I got sgr?

that means u got sgr

It’s a dream school for all of us here! We have been waiting this long just a little longer… I can’t wait to celebrate with all of you guys!!! TEAM ACCEPTANCE!!! LETS GO!!!


unless it says “awaiting” in your application checklist, it doesn’t mean much.

Historically, do non ttp applicants applying as a freshman transfer ever get into USC without a SGR? I would be going into USC my sophomore year and by the end of May I will have completed 30 credits however USC only saw my grades from my first semester which was like 13 credits. I know it is not likely, but in some cases, do students like me not get a SGR and just get in right away?

what other schools have you applied to? (if any)

Everyone has that

it all depends, some non-ttp sophomores get in straight away, some get sgr. but i’d prepare myself for an sgr because that’s what the trend has historically been; sophomores more often than not get an sgr or anyone really that has any major classes in progress (i.e., calc for business majors) during the spring.

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if it has a red cross that says “awaiting,” it means u got sgr

yes everyone has that in their drop box, however if it shows Spring Grade in your application checklist and has an red “X” then you did recieve a SGR and I would upload an unofficial one and order your finals as soon as you can.

upload an official transcript as soon as ur spring term is over, for most people it’s gonna be in june so just hold tight

USC only… I am a 35yo mother to an 11yo daughter and my fiance has a really good job here with NGC. USC is the only school that has an undergraduate Real Estate Development program… the next closest college is UCSD. I do not have the opportunity like younger adults to move to widen my educational opportunities… so it’s USC or bust for me.

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Yes I’m most likely going to get a SGR because I’m taking the USC required GE math course this semester. Thanks for your input! :blush:

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im also expecting one (taking a degree pre-req [Micro-Econ]) yay…

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I’m confused I just got a request for my WInter Grades (I go to a UC with quarter system). I’m a junior transfer. Is that a bad sign?

not a bad sign at all especially because u r on a quarter system. since winter quarter ended, it makes sense that they want to see the most recent quarter/term u have completed.

Didn’t know there was a limit for first timer user, sorry I couldn’t respond back. I will be posting my stats in a few minutes. I do want to say that usc accepts 25% of transfer of each year so not everyone will be posting when they been accepted. I deicide I’m going to leave this thread because it’s been uncomfortable and saddened to be in. If anyone would like to chat or has a chat of people who have been accepted, please message me. I would love to join.


Hey, congrats on your acceptance! If I could ask, what major were you accepted? Fight on!!!

Congratulations for the acceptance.