2021-2022 USC Transfer

Oh no don’t leave! Sorry that some people have made you feel bad :frowning: Lots of us are very happy for you!

Does everyone in this thread who are in Quarter System Uni right now got a Winter Grade Request?

My son is a TTP and in community college now. He did not get anything.

Does anyone know if USC calls our jobs if we listed down the phone number on our applications? Do y’all think they really have the time to reach out to employers? :thinking:

Sometimes they do. Most of the time they do that to see proof that you had an employer :flushed:

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I agree with @creativetrailblazer i think they only reach out if there is a reason for them (admissions) to seek further information… example to seek verification of projects you did, character justification

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I concur.

It’s possible that it could be part of the audit process they do for each authentication of applicants so that they can weed out anyone that is possibly lying about something on their app (not that you or anyone else here would, but I’m sure admissions has handled situations like that in the past).

Any non TTPs got their SGR request?

Yes, my daughter did. Currently finishing up freshman year at community college.

Oh I see, is she currently taking pre reqs?

any TTP haven’t heard back at all? No SGR or decision?

No, I would say… VERY impressive! All that - service, working mother, 1st gen, and high gpa. Good luck to you!

Some who aren’t college confidential users have already heard.

i got winter grade request but no spring yet

yeah did you

So are you attending quarter system college?

Thanks you for your kind words… hoping the office feels the same way.

Is anyone else’s official college transcript not uploaded yet? Mine still says awaiting. They reached out and asked for me to send it again but it’s been a few weeks since that and it still hasn’t updated

At this point, I would call and email your counselor. It’s too close to decisions to be casual about it. Was your transcript sent via email or postal service

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