2021-2022 USC Transfer

My transcript was sent through email by my school. I even got an email confirmation that USC has opened and viewed the transcript lol, but you’re right I should probably email them and see what’s up

If USC downloaded and viewed your transcript, I guess it just takes time to be reflected on your portal? But you should definitely call your counselor about it.

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And send the screenshot of your email saying transcript was downloaded


yeah. but i don’t think all CC students are getting that? Have you gotten one yet?

No, Im in semester system and didn’t got SGR. Maybe cause I completed all the pre reqs? Don’t know for sure.

No SGR for me yet :persevere: sick of waiting lol

She finished all required GE’s except for foreign language. She sent Winter grades for the two classes she took over the winter back in February so maybe thats why they are asking for SGR and not Winter? Im not sure how they work honestly.

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We all are! At this point I think we just want to know so we can plan accordingly… it sucks that it’s so late in comparison to other schools… it’s hard to be in limbo for so long

I am enrolled in the Math class that is required but didnt get SGR. Bad sign for me

totally give it more time! It could def be because of the pre-reqs. Or if you have a consistently high gpa.


I’m a Viterbi Pathways Program and I haven’t heard anything yet

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TTP student here, has anyone else in TTP or MPP or other transfer programs heard back yet? All I’ve seen is a SGR on my applicant portal but no official email or confirmation from USC at all.

What’s weird about the SGR is that I’ve gotten a 4.0 in the fall semester and I’m slated to complete all the TTP requirements and have 34 transferrable credits by the end of this school year. I can’t really imagine any other reason why USC would send me an SGR.

it’s probably because you’re taking pre reqs for your major. A lot of ttp get them.

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do non-ttp’s only get sgr on 5/31 or can they get before?

definitely before, in fact some people (non-ttp) in this thread have already reported getting an sgr

They definitely can get it before, I’ve seen as early as very late April and most I saw heard a SGR mid May. We are close you guys just keep manifesting those acceptances


So I got a winter grade request on my portal, but I have nothing to show for winter. I took the quarter off to focus on a demanding work schedule and some personal projects. I explained this in my application with the optional essay “explaining the gap in your education.”
I’m taking a full course load right now for Spring though they haven’t given me an SGR. I have 46 units completed and have 15 in progress
What should I do?! Thanks guys <3

I would re-upload the GAP explanation under the uploaded documents and create a PDF WGR with a simple explanation " Did not enroll for Winter Session please refer to GAP explanation in uploaded Documents, Thank you." This is not absolute but this is just what I would do.

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Are the things in the drop down list things they’re requiring from me? Because I haven’t been contacted at all by email or by phone in regards to missing material.

How is everyone getting these request notifications?

I think everyone has the same drop down box… however if your application checklist documents has a RED X it means they are wanting that item…

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