2021-2022 USC Transfer

Who is ready for another week riding the Anxiety Rollercoaster??!!! YAY!!! :raising_hand_woman:t4: :raising_hand_woman:t4: :raising_hand_woman:t4: lol (hint the sarcasm)


Hi everyone, I am a frosh trying transferring to USC from UCSC and I haven’t been active on the thread but just wanted to share this:

Ik it gets stressful especially now in the final stretch b4 getting our decisions, but I’ve been in contact w USC’ Office of Admissions and they gave the impression last week that they haven’t started looking at transfer applications (for admit/reject/SGR) yet. Another admissions rep informed me all regular transfer decisions will come out on the same day. With this information, I think there won’t be any news this week and the earliest regular transfers would hear back is mid-late May (TTP could be earlier but idk).

I’d recommend limiting usage to College Confidential and other admit-decision sites if u feel like constantly anxious/addicted to it and I’d also recommend not refreshing ur portal more than once a day. I say this as some1 who had their mental health tanked by doing those same things for my Umich application (I was on CC for 5 hrs a day and refreshed my portal multiple times a day smtimes even at 12 or 1 AM). I ultimately got rejected from Umich, so it felt like shedding all that sweat and tears was for nothing.

This is often overcliched, but I also want to emphasize college decisions rnt the end of the world and will never undermine what makes u valuable. I believe there are a limitless amnt of pathways to succeed. Gl and stay safe y’all!


THANK YOU for this!!

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No problem!

Did they specify which day the regular transfer decisions would come out?

Tbh I wish they did, but no they just stated it’d happen by/on May 31st. The weird thing is I looked at the USC 2020-21 Transfer thread and it seems some admit/reject/SGR regular transfer decisions came out on April 15th.

I will talk to admissions regarding this and will relay any info I get to this thread.

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Thank you!

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I’m sure that the delay this year is due to us still being in the midst of the pandemic. It’s no surprise that these decisions are coming out later than usual, they’ve probably taken extra precautions in preparation for all of the mailing and interactions they were to expect for this admissions cycle.

I’m willing to bet that we won’t hear anything until 2-3 weeks from now, but this is just speculation. Hopefully we all can get a response some time in the near future because we don’t have the luxury of regular decision students where they have ample amount of time to prepare where we are left scrambling, planning our housing, finances, classes to take, etc.

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Yep, just came off the phone from an admissions officer. They told me that applications have actually started being reviewed this month (did not specify if it was for admit/reject/SGR). They confirmed the transfer decision schedule USC is operating with this year is different from last year and that there are a lot more applications and other factors likely causing the delay. They also verified decisions would be released on one day.

So does this mean that the “Spring Grade Request” with a red X in your portal doesn’t necessarily mean anything? I found it odd that they would just put that in the portal without any email or update.

I believe if it has a red X it means you need to submit it?

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No, that very much means something. If you received a SGR update on your portal (I’d also verify if I got an email that’s in spam if I were you - try seeing “All Mail” if you use gmail) that means you weren’t rejected nor admitted on preliminary evaluation. Thus, I believe you’re still in consideration for admission but admissions wants to see how you perform in the Spring. Now, it could also mean you have one of your transfer requirements in-progress, in which case you’d get a SGR anyways. I would confirm it by calling USC Admissions if I were you. But that’s very interesting, looks like some decisions came out - are you TTP?

I understand the meaning of a SGR, but you mentioned that the Admissions office said that they haven’t started looking at transfer applications (for admit/reject/SGR), yet I received a SGR in my portal a week ago (no email update). I am TTP. I just find it really odd that they wouldn’t send an email though, because if I wasn’t obsessively stalking CC or refreshing my portal, I would have no idea that I had a SGR.

It may be because I am a non-TTP applicant and perhaps the admissions representative was referring to non-TTP decisions (they did not specify if TTP and non-TTP are on the same decision schedule, but I think they were likely referring to non-TTP regular transfers). Sometimes the emails go to spam for me - if you’re on gmail I’d recommend clicking “All Mail” and see if it’s hiding there. If you got that update fairly recently, it could also be because they are still drafting it. This is all my speculation - only the admissions office can verify it.

here’s my take: i have looked at past threads (2 previous years) and have seen the same pattern of response that the admissions office gives: “…we haven’t reviewed yet…it all comes out on the same day… later in may…” i just wanted to point out that these are automated responses to increase efficiency and avoid wasting time when literally thousands of students are calling to ask the same questions. Yes, there is a possibility that indeed they have switched up the admission review process, however, we have seen this situation happen many times before and it’s just a delay before the day where a batch of TTP acceptances/some Non-ttp acceptance/SGR releases. history tells us that day is very soon, highly likely by this friday, if the one week delay of regular decisions and scholarship notifications are also consistent with the transfer decisions also. Last week was supposed to be THE WEEK but it wasn’t so this week is the bet haha. in all honesty i’d just try to relax and limit the use of CC until u see a status update email. all the speculation just makes the wait 10x more excruciating.

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Ya I can see that. The thing is the first batch of decisions last year came on April 15th with some late recordings (likely) on April 16th and 20th. I did not check 2019-20 data, but it looks like we are delayed than the 2020-21 schedule.


I see. Well I’m not going to hold the expectation my decision comes by Friday based on my previous experience with Umich - but I will be pleasantly surprised if you are right and they do release it by Friday.

*not saying it’s going to be this friday at all, just saying that it MAY be BY this friday. i’m just saying that this WEEK is highly likely for mainly TTP acceptances and some regular acceptances here and there. maybe non-ttp’s should disregard all this early speculation because this week being the week where decisions come out pertains to mostly TTp’s.

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Yep, I changed my wording - I also meant ‘by’ and not ‘on’ too. And ya, from the information I got from the USC admissions rep, there’s no confirmed specific date/week non-TTP decisions would be released. You could confirm your speculations, if you want, with the admissions office (213)-740-1111. Perhaps you may get some new information that could help both TTP and non-TTP out