2021-2022 USC Transfer

i emailed my TTP counselor (from admissions) about decisions date and she gave me the automated response that i was talking about: “By may 31st blah blah…” perhaps it was copied and pasted from the usc website lol it was similar right down to every word😭

so let me get this straight: IF we get a spring grade request, that essentially means we won’t be getting an admissions decision UNTIL mid july?

if that’s the case, i am dreading getting a SGR, i’d rather get a yes or no :frowning:

Basically, let’s say ur spring term ends June 11th for example, u would then upload ur spring grades (unofficial) asap. and from there u wait, it could be 1 day after u upload, 1 week, or a month. right up until mid-july. but they have said that they release decisions soon after the upload.

since most spring quarters end in mid june-ish, i’d say late june decision is more likely and mid-july is just a stretch as they lay out a late deadline because they want to have time in case something happens. hang in there

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Rip I c

No you will most likely get your decision by May. A friend of mine got accepted on the day of submitting spring grade last year. So don’t panic.

well that of course depends on when ur spring term ends

Yes it is

So with my SGR, if my term ends May 1st, I should upload unofficial spring grade immediately? Would this just be screenshots of my canvas pages?

My last day of the Spring Semester is May 25 so idk if that is good or bad? lol because im probably getting an SGR considering that I am a freshman in college rn

no there should be a way to get a hold of ur unofficial transcript through ur profile (different for every school). you should search it up on google if u r unsure: “(insert school name) unofficial transcripts”

Are u non-ttp?

Im a regular transfer applicant and haven’t received a SGR yet. What does it mean ?

yes im non ttp

Transfer review just started you’ll be notified soon.

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so if im non ttp then i probably should expect to hear back like the last week of may right, this wait sucks!!!

Think so! Especially cases like u when final transcript comes out a bit late.

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No worries! Good luck

good luck to you too!

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i guess i still would rather not get a spring grade request, like what’s the point? too much waiting