2021-2022 USC Transfer

My daughter got SGR last week, non TTP, Sophomore applicant. Her spring semester doesn’t end till mid June so more waiting for us.

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Oh okay. Does she have less than 30 credits? Completing major pre-reqs or GE requirements?

She has 47 credits from summer, fall and winter. Completed all pre-reqs and 7/8 GE’s. Currently taking 13 credits for Spring and only missing foreign language as she was waitlisted this semester but did not get in. Oh well, patience is a virtue! haha


Thank you!! it does make me feel better:,) good luck to the both of you too!!

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I’m really curious too but it’s okay good luck to you!

hi guys I hope everyone is well! I’ve been reading this thread for a while and wanted to ask a quick question. I’m currently a freshman TTP with a 4.0 applying to Marshall. I already took the calculus requirement but I’m taking the English requirement to transfer currently so it was not in my fall transcript. Should I be worried that I didn’t get an SGR? Thank you to everyone who has been posting you guys have all keep me sane during this time knowing there are other people waiting impatiently like me haha. Good luck to everyone and fight on!

oh nice u got an instagram or snap so i can dm u about BU and all that haha?

Due to the nature of the english requirement, you probably will receive an SGR but assuming you keep up the great work it wont be an issue in the long run hopefully.

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The way I am approaching this, no matter where you are in your college courses (GEs, Major Pre-Reqs, and any other things that were needed for your degree) if I did and/or didn’t receive an SGR is not necessarily a good or bad thing. We can look at it in all kinds of ways that will let our anxiety go BANANAS (is that still hip to say LOL… is it still a thing to say “hip” LOL) We can see the SGR being good because they viewed our application and is still considering us for acceptance. We can also view the SGR as being a negative thing because there is something “lacking” in our application that they want more information on how we are doing now in our spring semester (which now you will probably question "is my spring performance where it needs to be? Am I on the chopping block for a rejection?

Not getting an SGR also has its good and bad side. They may have viewed your application in the batch and is preparing for an acceptance…or on the bad side they are already consider your application was not as strong as your peers for your field of study even if you did well this spring term. OR simply they have not got to your application yet therefore you haven’t received your SGR yet.

What I am saying and what most have been saying here in similar ways, we do not know exactly what is going on… we do not know where our application is or how they really sort through the thousands of applicants. Also, remember there may be more applicants this year than the last previous years… Again, We Just Do Not Know…

The Best Advice (in my opinion): Until we see “Accepted” or “Rejection” there is no point to really think too much further into the SGRs. I know that is easier said than done because I am battling it too and I have to remind myself that I cannot look too much into this rabbit hole for my own mental sanity.

I really hope this helps someone… We are all stressed and just want the waiting to come to an end.


Very well said, thank you for that.

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Does anyone know of any good off-campus housing options for transfers? I want to start looking into apartments if fingers crossed I make it into USC. I know on-campus housing is very difficult for transfers so my best bet would probably be off-campus. Also, does anyone know if USC includes/reimburses the cost of housing within the financial aid package?

the lorenzos are good i heard gateway is another good option. I’m not sure about the financial aid part.

You’re welcome. I enjoy coming on here with all of you because we all know how each of us is feeling… soon you guys… :soon: decisions will be posted and we will be making our plans accordingly.

I applied. I don’t think I will get accepted though. If I actually don’t… any ideas on how to handle narcissist parents? They continuously hurt me and my life and expect me to stay at home with them because they’re too dependent on me for things they don’t want to do themselves and won’t let me have my own apartment even though I have the money. I talked about some of it in my essay, where they continuously tried to force me into a major I dislike because they wanted me to be the son they always envisioned. They wanted me as an engineer and were angry when they discovered that my major was chemistry. I stuck with it though despite of their threats. Any ideas of what to do?


it seems like lots of people are getting SGR :confused:

I am open if you want to talk off the forum… this is more of a personal thing and would hate to air anything personal on a public forum

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I can relate to your exact situation man. And honestly sometimes it varies from your parents want “what’s best for you” vs. they want to achieve THEIR goals through you. The way you describe it makes it feel like it’s scenario #2, and, having one parent that fits that description, I’ll tell you what I do. For the most part I try to stick to achieving my goals and try to create a mental filter that blocks my parent’s unnecessary narcissistic statements. Likewise I even try to only talk to them when I absolutely have too. I also find that spending time for myself really helps in removing the negative input. Things like YouTube, talking to friends on discord, doing some other thing I like come to mind.

At the end of the day, you are your own person and your parents are there own people. We each have our own desires and goals and sometimes have a tendency to broadcast them onto other ppl, even our own blood, for any # of rzns. If it’s really bothering you - the best solution, imo, is simply ignoring it and focusing on YOU.

My discord at is: Ballsy Baldski#2626 if you want to talk abt this in private.

Btw if any1 else wants to connect on discord, you are more than welcome to add me as a friend with that discord ID!


As I said earlier, SGRs is neither a good or bad thing. No point worrying and stressing. We did all we can by submitting our applications, transcripts, essays, recommendation letters, etc. We have no control over their decision.

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It’s still pretty early in the process for admissions officers as they are reading transfer apps. I wouldn’t see an SGR as a bad thing unless if you don’t do well with grades by the time you have to send them your SGR. An SGR isn’t a straight rejection, so why would they go out of their way to wait for you just for them to reject you? I’m sure you’re going to get in if you get all A’s this semester. I know the wait time is a major let-down, but you don’t know how soon they could accept you after that. Admissions say that the LATEST you could hear back is mid-July, but that’s not always the case.

I think some people (regardless of TTP or non-TTP) get SGRs because admissions wants to make sure that their applicants live up to the grades they get, or they don’t have enough info, and they need to see more grades. It’s goes by a case-by-case basis for each applicant, so there’s different and unknown reasons as to why they issue them. Just don’t lose hope!

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It is taking longer this year for the first results to be released, that’s for sure. But keep in mind the transfer process is always annoyingly slow. If there is an increase in transfer apps anything like regular cycle, they could easily be processing 10,000+ applications, after processing 70,000 during the regular decision cycle. They are grinding. What they want to do is have basically a similiar set of data from all applicants, that is the only way to evaluate and truly compare. The SGR helps achieve this and is neither good nor bad, it is what they need to have to consider your file complete enough to compare it to others. With thousands of applications there are some that are just plain standouts, but there are also many that could be considered “a tie” and any teeny bit of additional info can help break that tie in the end. A more passionate essay, a more difficult math class, or a + or - on a grade may be the only difference between applications. (This is not where you ask, “What if my school doesn’t give plus and minuses?”) The point is, they need a complete set of data on everyone and some will need an SGR for them to do that. They may have 8,000 or more people to reject this cycle, this is not a case of everyone with a perfect gpa or “great stats” getting in. There is not enough space.

So many factors out of your control influence the decision and worrying about receiving or not receiving an SGR is not good for your mental health, it’s such a small thing in the scheme of things. But be realistic about the numbers so you aren’t setting yourself up for utter devastation. Let’s say this year, there are 2600 acceptances out of 10k (just approximation/guess here). Well, generally speaking, each one of you can cut that 2600 in half to accomodate gender division. Then there’s the number of spots actually in the schools/majors; then lets add demographics - race, URM, geography, first gen, etc. It is a very hard school to get into, you can do everything right and still not get good news cause too many of you are fabulous. The point is, don’t sweat the small stuff like an SGR. If you have done your best and posted some magnificent grades and wrote essays that passionately show you are right for USC and what you will bring, that is all you can do. And if it works in your favor, great, if not, don’t let anyone make you feel like you are not awesome. Your awesomeness will just shine elsewhere.

I know waiting blows. But anyone that really wants to go to USC doesn’t care if they have to wait for it till July. Transfers wait longer than anyone to get in to their dream 4 year school, another month or two won’t make a difference if it is really where you want to be in the end. But I get it, it’s brutal. But all this stress over an SGR is silly, it’s just a gnat on an elephant’s behind in the scheme of things. But keep up your grades and get outside and do something when you can! Things are opening up and it’s wonderful.