2021-2022 USC Transfer

Could not agree more!!!

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Totally agree!

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It’s not about the son that they’ve always envisioned you to be, it’s about who you envision yourself to become. At the end of the day, you decisions and career and everything in between will be directly impacting your life primarily. Do what you want to do, and work towards a future you envision yourself in.

At the end of the day, you’re the one who’s gonna be walking those steps towards your future, not them. They can cry, kick, and scream all they want, but you’ll be content with the decisions you make and you won’t live a life filled with “what if’s”. It’s hard and extremely hard thing to do, but you should do what’s best for you, make yourself a priority, and work towards being content with who you are as a person. Good luck dude.

Have there only been SGR’s and WGR’s up until this point? Has anyone actually gotten accepted or rejected (TTP or non-TTP)?

um if they took several months to receive just our transcripts i bet we’ll be hearing by mid july for those who send in SGR.

u can upload ur spring grades once the term is over on ur online portal. so there’s no wait, it’s instant, u get a green check mark right away.

I am in the same situation right now debating towards letting go of Physics. I would still have 4 classes, but it feels like a ding after all this hard work.

This was meant to be a reply @ the withdrawal discussion.

have any TTP not heard back yet here? Or have they all heard back cuz I haven’t yet ):

Some have not heard back

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TTP here, I have yet to hear back either! Don’t worry though, it’s best to not stress about it. At the end of the day, we will be guaranteed a response on our applications, worrying about if it’ll be today or tomorrow or even next week is not healthy. Best to focus on what the day has in store and the coursework you have to complete.


thank you so much! you’re very right. Good luck to you!

what does it mean / what should i do when my admissions counsellor never responds to my emails? And i mean this guy NEVER responds. I’ve sent him like 4 emails with super relevant and specific questions. Haven’t heard back once.

I would call admissions and explain. Is there any chance you have the wrong counselor or wrong email?

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pretty sure i’ve got it right it’s the “reply” one i get when i received my WGR email from admissions and it’s my counsellor’s name. I’ll try calling admissions again, they always tell me to “ask my counsellor” Thank you!

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The same thing happened to me with my counselor as well. Admission office told me that they havent been looking at transfer students at all so thats why its hard to reach out to some. But a call should solve your problem

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call to the office or call my counsellor directly? Thanks!

 I was wondering how people are uploading SGRs without any final grades
 do you just wait until the end of the quarter / term to submit anything? Or is there a way to submit a transcript that just says “in progress” (which my institution doesn’t offer)

u have to wait until the spring term is over for u to upload the spring grade request

I mean i have never tried the phone number since I have an international one so I don’t really know. I called the office

I got an A for a class that I just finished, but I’m still taking 3 more classes that are done around early June - late May for this semester. Should I sent them another transcript with the new grade or wait it out? Don’t know how much of a difference it will make if I get SGR