2021-2022 USC Transfer

here is what it says and may explain why some people didn’t get it??

“ We encourage you to proceed with our application if you feel you meet the following eligibility requirements. You must:

  • Have applied for USC admission for fall 2021 as a transfer student.
  • Have high financial need (usually defined as having a need greater than or equal to the cost of tuition; to be determined by the USC Financial Aid Office).
  • Be eligible for financial aid. To receive financial aid, students must be U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens and complete a FAFSA or Dream Act Application.
  • Demonstrate strong community awareness.”

Nvm I found this Reddit thread: Reddit - Dive into anything

It does not mean anything more than an indicator recipients of the email applied for need-based aid (and may need significant aid) or are first gen applicants.


Huh but I applied for need based aid

Same, my efc is like 2k but I didn’t get the email haha

I didn’t apply for financial aid at all and i still received the topping scholarship email

That’s weird lmao I didn’t apply for fin aid either and got no email ;(

maybe it’s coming out in batches, just wait, this doesn’t mean anything because i ended up getting rejected as a first year applicant last year after receiving it😭

i use gmail and it was under the “promotions” section.


Im sorry for causing a stir… i just didnt want anyone missing anything

Np, in fact I think u did quite the opposite. Till now we didn’t get any info but the fact they sent these emails out today may* be an indicator some decisions will be releasing soon, as speculated by others. Thx for keeping us posted :slight_smile:


Youre a legend do you know that?


hop in the usc discord gang. someone made it :smiley:


Awh I try to be a good team player… i was always like this, even in the military… i always believed that one should always leave breadcrumbs for others that are following or will be following later to make it easier for people to succeed


According to their website:

The purpose of the NTSAF is to assist students with high financial need who demonstrate an extraordinary level of community awareness in their pursuit of higher education at USC. First-generation college students and local area applicants are given primary consideration in the scholarship selection process. However, the scholarship is not limited to these populations.

Eligibility Checklist:

If you answer “yes” to all three questions, we encourage you to proceed with the Topping Scholarship Application Instructions below:

  1. Are you applying for USC admission for Fall as a full-time freshman, transfer or graduate student, or are you a new Spring admit?
  2. Do you have high financial need (expected family contribution less than $20,000) and will submit a FAFSA or Dream Act application?
  3. Do you demonstrate a strong community awareness and contribute to the betterment of a community through volunteer efforts or other service?

Huh wait… I just realized I qualify but I’m not first gen and I didn’t get the email lol

I qualify too and no email

Discord for anyone who wants to join! :slight_smile: Discord

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Unfortunately, that is exactly what happened to me last year. I got a SGR- spring grade request, which I submitted the first week of June. I did not hear back until July 11th and it was a denial, ugh!
USC has the longest and most painful wait period for transfer admission decisions. But hey, it’s USC, we will all wait…

what was your GPA???