2021-2022 USC Transfer

Guess they’re not coming today lol.

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those are good man. thats def why

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Appreciate the kind comment bro, but I feel like 3.8 is in the ballpark of avg for USC and the 3.3s are definitely below avg… I say that cuz last year’s transfer report had 3.71 as the avg GPA and I applied to Viterbi which is prolly around 3.75-8, and my friend had 3.85 / 1500 SAT (basically almost identical stats to mine) and got accepted for Spring admit (kind of USC’ waitlist applicants). I’m still hoping for the best, but anything is fair game - admissions to schools under 25% acc rate are always random lol

I have a lot of random stats as well. My GPA fluctuated a lot due to covid and it fell well below that average post Spring 2020. I know for a fact they will take that stuff into consideration if it impacted your numbers at all.
Are you sophomore transfer? Cuz that SAT is killer

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Yep I’m a sophomore transfer. I hope they will consider my SAT to balance my low high school and SCU course GPAs.

When I applied, prior to spring grades, I had around a 3.6 GPA and 50 transferrable units.

anyone know what the avg GPA is for past accepted Dornsife applicants?

I think its a 3.7

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@CADREAMIN would you so happen to know how many apply at Sol Price? Given the low percentage year by year (2-4%) and seeing only 108 students were admitted in 2020 for the 3 undergraduate programs, I am curious if it is highly competitive or if the majority of USC applicants are applying for the bigger schools (like Marshall or Dorslife) so Sol Price (and the other schools that shows a lower percentage) are only low because of they are the less popular degrees.

I did try to attempt to find this information on my own, but there is not much on Price. Unlike the USC student profiles for freshman and transfers where they provide their numbers and stats from the last 5 years, Price only provided the most current.

The first question of the scholarship application is asking " Are you beginning a new degree program in the fall, or will this be your first fall term in your program?" do you guys think they are asking specifically for USC or in general?

I think they are asking for USC specifically.

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Ok thank you!!

Second that, def USC.

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Does not getting the scholarship email mean anything? Anyone know who got accepted who didn’t receive it?

I got a SGR awhile ago and I just have some questions. When I applied I had a 3.76 GPA. This semester I’ll be finishing with a 3.86, which is a cumulative of a 3.82. I am really happy with how I’ve done in school this year, and the only thing keeping me from a 4.00 is a C that I have in a 1 credit class. The class is called “orientation to business” and it basically just tells you what all the majors are, where the library is, how to use the academic success center etc. I missed 1 quiz at the beginning of the semester and that’s why I’ll have a C. Do you think admissions will care too much? I’m really worried because i’m TTP and one of the requirements is you can only have As and Bs.

did u apply for financial aid yo

I think it’s a combination of less popular but also because it’s more specialized. Price definitely gets way less applications than the other schools like Dornsife, Viterbi and Marshall, no question there! I also see those, as for lack of better term, “mature majors.” Many 16-17 year olds haven’t considered urban planning (or really know what it is) and think RED has to do with the sign in their neighbor’s yard. And public policy - what dat? I do think they pick up as people move along and also from transfers, but again, nothing like the big schools or crazy competitive SCA. So it is safe to say, while competitive, it is certainly not as competitive as for example, Viterbi with their 14,000 applicants for their 450 or so spots during regular admissions cycle (more than that accepted to meet yield of course, but wow, that is competitive).

You are so darn interesting and positive, it is hard to imagine that doesn’t shine through in every aspect of your app. Good thoughts here!

Does anyone know of good websites for finding roommates? I’ve joined a couple of fb groups but I want to see if I can find people

Yeah, I am an older student transfer and I am that person who “puts the sign in the yard (or your neighbors).” LOL as a job so I can understand how someone younger may think that.
And Holy Mother of Baby Penguins, 14K for only 450 spots?! That’s crazyyyyyy!!! That’s HIGHLY Competitive… I am sure Price is not that bad :slight_smile: