2021-2022 USC Transfer

From what I’ve seen on Reddit, no. If there’s anyone who can fact-check what this email means that’s be great. Some who got the email said they ended up getting a SGR I believe.

I really dont think it means anything either… it was just nice to see an email from Admissions… Like i said, i felt it was blanket email for those that might qualify to apply and wanted to give those an opportunity to apply for additional funds.

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Lol quick but sad story, my EFC is very high cuz my parents make a net salary in the 200-300k range, which means my aid would be $0 anyways. I’d be paying $80k/yr, but my parents don’t have enough saved for college so I’d likely have to take debt/loan. I hope in the future they’d give such scholarship opportunities also for students who can only afford a certain amount regardless of parent income ;(

There should be a way to not account your parents income (not all parents are supporting their children to go to college) so I dont understand why this is a thing. Can anyone explain?

I think on the FAFSA, if our parents mark their kids as dependents on their tax returns, we are required to list their income? Idt I had the option to omit their salary information

ohhhhh… that make sense… I haven’t been a dependent to anyone in quite sometime (17 years…) lol

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Ya it’s not great being 18 n unemployed lol

well, I got an 11 year old so this actually preps me on what ti expect when she applies for college


I received the email last year but was rejected if that helps you any.

I am sorry to hear you were rejected last year, I am curious, was your counselor there to assist you on how to improve your application this time around??? Also, is your degree choice(s) known to be highly competitive???

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Are you worried that you got a C? The GPA isn’t the problem. I don’t think it’s gonna be a big problem.

Honestly, I definitely should have asked for tips but I never did. I had a really difficult situation last year where I had to leave my 4 year and take classes at my local community college for my family, and so maybe changing my classes last minute made a difference. I am Computer Science so it is definitely one of the most competitive.

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I’m sorry to hear you were going through a rough time and had to sacrifice school in order to support your family. Anyone of us can understand that is the reality of a lot of students situation within the last year and it unfortunate it possibility played a role in USCs decision but you kept moving forward and for that I am grateful you are here with us waiting for decisions because you are able to provide insight from your experience with this process and be an asset to the forum as well. Good luck to you and I hope the odds is forever in your favor :wink:.
:heart::yellow_heart:FIGHTON :heart::yellow_heart:


Yes. I am very happy with my GPA but I am worried about having a C on my transcript.

Having a C in one class will not be a dealbreaker, as long as you can find a way to explain yourself as to why that happened if you have time to explain to your admission counselor (if you get denied admission, your appeal letter is where you put your explanation).

I didn’t know we could explain a C on our transcript. You think it’s too late for that?

I got a C on one of my math classes but this was during a time where I was going back and forth from my house and downtown to take my step dad to his hospital appointments 3 times a week.

It’s too late to explain it in an essay, but I personally don’t feel that it’s too late to summon your admissions counselor about it. As I said previously, if you or someone ends up facing a rejection, your appeal letter is where you should explain what you didn’t in your previous essays, and explaining a lower grade is a good start for appeal letters.

Again, it isn’t a dealbreaker for admissions, but explaining yourself if you have the chance is best. One grade is not going to define who your are as an applicant, and your admissions counselor knows this.

Hi everyone, I’m a TTP student and have not gotten an SGR yet. I got a 3.82 over Fall Semester, 3.75 over Winter (at my community college), and currently have about a 3.9 during the Spring Semester. I am on a semester system but took Winter Courses to fulfill the English requirement and earn extra credits. I also came into college with roughly 24 credits (including AP and community college during high school), and earned 22 between Fall + Winter. 17 this semester.
Should I be worried about the lack of an SGR?

I think many are in the same boat as you, including me albeit I am not TTP, so idt you should be worried for not getting an SGR or decision yet. Tbh, this is my personal opinion, but I think getting an SGR is a double-edged sword - on one end you know from USC that you’re being considered for admission and haven’t been outright rejected, but your final decision may come way later than usual. Presently, ppl have only received SGRs and no admit/reject as far as I am aware; so I think, and this is speculation, that if we don’t get SGRs we are being considered for admission or rejection.