2021-2022 USC Transfer

I would not be worried at all. Plenty of TTP’s do not get an SGR and are accepted.


I might be overly optimistic, but I believe it’s a positive sign if you are (1) a TTP applicant; (2) achieved the required GPA for your first semester; (3) already satisfied the core requirements for your intended major; and (4) have not received an SGR. Perhaps, this means USC already reviewed your application and you are being admitted during the first phase as many TTP applicants are admitted during the traditional April window.

Just my opinion…


applied to price for public policy as my second choice major. sophomore transfer, 48 quarter units completed (3.92), 28 in progress.

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you have better stats and further along than me for sure. I can only hope my military background and being apart of the real estate industry for 4 1/2 years helps close the gap that i would be a good fit for the Real Estate Development degree program… Good luck!!!

Are you TTP?

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Hey, Im applying as a sophomore transfer from UCI as a Business and Computer Science major under the Viterbi School. I’m a dean’s list student with a 3.6 gpa and I got a request for my winter grades on Monday. I applied to USC impulsively and finished the application in one night… tbh in pursuit of city life.

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Same I have a 3.9 gpa a business student looking for admission into Marshall. I am rn at SJSU and was selected for Dean’s Scholarship. Does being selected for Dean Scholarship help anyone know?

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No, I’m neither TTP nor legacy. On another note, have you looked into the 9/11 GI Bill benefits? I’m a vet dependent.

I’m 100% disabled retired vet. I am actually using my VRE Educational benefits. However, I am curious since you are a dependent, are you using your parents GI Bill to pay for school? Does the Yellow Ribbon Program apply for you?

Also I am not a TTP, or legacy… I will be a 1st generation student and hopefully be the first in my family to get a degree.

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You guys are super helpful- thank you so much! Hoping the best for all of us.

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You got this! You seem like an amazing candidate, i am so excited for you.

Thanks, Marie, are you relatively new on the forum? I cant recall seeing you in the thread before?

Are you TTP/Legacy? Did they notify scholarships already?

I’m at UCSB and am using my parent’s ch. 35 benefits to waive tuition. yellow ribbon doesn’t apply for me for public schools but I’m hoping to access them (if possible) if I get into USC. I believe there’s a way to transfer yellow ribbon benefits from vet to vet dependent.
I wish the best for you.


I’ve been reading these posts for months, but just decided to make an account! it’s great to meet you.

no im not ttp i was talking about i got deans scholarship at my current school SJSU. So I was just wondering if that might look good cuz it was on my sjsu transcript which I sent to USC.

No, they were just referring to getting onto the Dean’s list at their current institution. The only scholarship available for transfers out of pure merit is the transfer merit scholarship in which you’re awarded a quarter of tuition. Although, only 40 people get this scholarship, so it’s pretty hard. Also, scholarships come out once decisions come out.

Thats amazing your parents gave their tuition to you. I gave all but one month of benefits to my daughter before I was medically retired and being 100%, I found out my daughter and any children I may have in the future will be covered for school, the same way I am. I am grateful I can give my child(ren) that for the time and sacrifices I have made in my career but dealing with constant doctor visits to monitor your wellbeing is taxing on a person.

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Getting dean’s list is always good, and will help you. Although, USC does take into account the different grade inflations, and deflations at various universities.

damn then they are going to reject me lol… my high school record is pretty solid tho

Oh okay cool, we got no inflations or deflations at our school though.