2021-2022 USC Transfer

don’t say that. The whole admissions process is very holistic at USC, so you really honestly never know.

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do not allow that negativity in the universe… Law of Attraction!!! Gotta stay positive


I was just referring to the idea that getting into the dean’s list at a CC compared to like Princeton is very different. But regardless, maintaining a high GPA and showing constant improvement and consistency in your coursework is the best.

How would one know if your school has an inflation or deflation?

I’m not completely sure how transferring benefits work, but I certainly owe it all to my parents. Thank you for your service and God bless!

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no its fine either way im in a good situation. Going to usc might make me unstable anyways, at uci i have a sorority who can help me out.

The professors would announce it and I asked my professors and they said they never curve grades up or down.

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everything at uci is curved down especially for cs

Oh its a simple process for your parents to transfer GI Bill benefits to you… literally two clicks and its done lol. The amazing part is the parent deciding they want to give that to their children versus using it on themselves.

Honestly, at this point, why am I kinda expecting USC to release decisions on May 31st lol…

Oh then ur prolly fine especially since ur gpa already pretty much matches USC’s avg I think

It is best to think that way in all honesty… thinkin that “TODAY IS THE DAY!” everyday… only to disappoint yourself is STRESS-FUL

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oh okay then I dont think my college does either… I never heard my professors mention a curve at CoC

I believe I’m using ch35 benefits. Is this applicable to all vet dependents or must this be transferred? In my experience, I don’t recall my veteran parent going through the process of transferring them. However, when it comes to ch33 and Yellow Ribbon, I believe there is a rigid transfer process.

I’d prefer to talk privately about this subject. Can you see the message I’ve sent?

if you are using the benefits, then I am 99.9% sure they went on to the website before you started school and transferred them to you. We as veterans, can transferred all or a portion of our benefits to our dependents. Now the Yellow Ribbon Program, I personally have not read to much about other than the purpose of the program and the benefits to the vet. However, I did not go too deep into as far as if dependents can use it or if they are entitled to it. My daughter is 11 so I still got a few years before I am worrying about her education past high school.

Hey guys I’m just curious What is dean’s list?

its when you make a certain gpa for your school. its like honors

Welcome to the party @marieusc!

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Oh nice, I’m an honors student too!