2021-2022 USC Transfer

the waiting game is absolutely killing me but I’m trying to stay positive :slight_smile:


I like surprises

bet we will hear something by Friday

same here :sweat: after cal decisions come out tomorrow, usc will be the last one i’ll be waiting on… trying hard not to check my portal every 2 seconds LOL

but manifesting good things for all of us! part of the battle is believing for sure!! :smiling_imp:

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for real!! I check my portal and this forum like 8 times a day when I know it’s unhealthy. Hoping for good news for all of us soon

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good luck guys

Do any of you guys think it’s bad luck or bad juju to buy USC merch before getting a decision if you aren’t legacy? I’ve seen people in full merch who wait for an acceptance letter and end up getting rejected. I must be weird

My future in-laws actually bought me a couple of USC merch for Christmas. I am a firm believer of the law of attraction so if you want to buy something like a shirt or keychain or something you can afford that will not kill the bank… i would say go for it!!! I personally have a USC Bound list created on my AMAZON account of all the things I plan on buying “WHEN” I get this acceptance… There is too much in the world that is negative why do I need to add to it? Choose to be positive


I don’t think it’s bad luck, we have UCLA gear (and many others) bought after tours and they make great shirts to paint in, change the oil, etc. :grin:

My D did a cross country road trip during covid (to pick up USC friends and bring them back to LA so they didn’t have to fly) and bought a Harvard Law sweatshirt that she loves. And I don’t think she is getting in there (also not applying, but nonetheless).


After looking at the previous years forums on here and watching some transfer acceptance videos on youtube, it seems most likely that we’ll find out around May 21st. I don’t know if we have any reason to believe we’d find out much sooner than that tbh, but who knows. Not the best news but thought I’d let you know so you have a rough idea of when to really start looking out for any portal updates :slight_smile:

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hi guys just wanted to update and say I just received an SGR today. I’m a ttp. How does this work do I send in my unofficial spring grades as of now or do I wait until the semester is over and send the official one?

i would do both.

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unofficial transcript

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ok perfect thank you both!

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u wait till u have ur spring grades when the term is over and just uploading a screenshot of ur final grades is fine, it doesn’t have to be official

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welp, I just got a got a SGR today and I’m a TTP. I thought my stats were good as they were, but I guess not. Honestly, kinda hits deep when I waited so long for some decision to come out, since they weren’t following their previous trends with decisions, and low and behold that I get a SGR :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:
Is getting a SGR somewhat equivalent to be being on the borderline and perhaps not being able to get in, cause they don’t send out rejections until long after, correct?

are you an incoming sophomore or junior? @bythestream

I’m an incoming sophomore transfer.

Personally, I do not think thats correct. I could be wrong, but I think they would want an official spring grade but if you sent an unofficial now (or within the next week or two) will allow them to have a better idea how you are doing. I would say if your grades look great now than go ahead and send an unofficial transcript with your current grades but if you want some time to improve your grades in the next week or two than wait until then.