2021-2022 USC Transfer

alright what about demonstrated interest? i know they say they don’t track it but tbh I’m calling their bluff. What do u guys think

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Hi guys, I am a freshman ttp transfer and legacy and just got into USC! My fingers are crossed for you all and hope to see you guys on campus this fall!


Oh that’s great, you just got your decision?

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Congrats!!! I am so happy for you! Remember if you have not already please post your stats in the 2021-2022 USC Transfer Stats Forum. Again Congratulations!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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JUST GOT IN GANG! Viterbi Fall 2021!!!


YES!!! Actual decisions and they are good!!! YASSSSSS!!! Let them keep coming!!!


I GOT INNNNnnnn!!!


Seems like next week is almost guaranteed! For non-ttp

I also got in! Biochem!!! Good luck to y’all!


My DD was just admitted to Marshall. She was TTP non-legacy and is currently studying at AUP in Paris.

GL to all.


These ACCEPTANCES are making my heart sing right now!!! I am so happy for you guys!!!


We can only keep throwing into the universe more positive vibes that things keep moving… LETS GOOO!!!

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wow congrats everyone! this is amazing!!

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Hey, I just got in, My heart is so full rn <3 I’m a non-legacy and I got into Price (second-choice major) for Policy Studies. My GPA was 3.82 and 3.75 over Winter.

I know right now is a very stressful and anxious time for everyone- SGR’s and long waits- remember that you’ve got this, and the work is worth it. I dreamed of USC since I was a freshman, and I only had a 1250 SAT and knew it wasn’t really an option. But now, it’s finally happening and I know everyone else’s time is coming, too. I never thought I’d get accepted- ever. So please, please don’t lose hope. We’re all in this together.


You were a TTP correct Marie? Congratulations!!! I am so happy and since you are going to Price I hope to see you there

My son got in. TTP. Keck school. So happy. Good luck everyone.

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Yes ma’m. Thank you so much, i’ll see you there!!! <3

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Ill be in the USC shirt with a huge grin on my face :slight_smile: