2021-2022 USC Transfer

Congrats to your son! If you don’t mind, would you share his stats in college? I also applied to Keck and I’m TTP and haven’t heard back thus far.

I’m sorry guys my heart can’t handle this right now, i’ll post a detailed post about stats, etc. later! I’m ttp non-legacy. OMG GUYS IM SHOOK I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT FOR A YEAR NOW LITERALLY AND MY WOLRD IS UPSIDE DOWN RIGHT NOW. exactly one year ago today i was scheduling my first ttp meeting with my counselor, GOD’S PLANS TRIUMPHS ALL OTHER PLANS!!


I am assuming an email came out that there was a status update for your decision (unlike the SGRs) correct?

I think his GPA is 3.8. He is a freshman, took classes summer, fall and now in spring semester at cc. He finished all requirements and GE

yes email came for status update

Celebrate my dear!!! No one here will fault you for not updating us! We will be here :slight_smile:


sounds like you really deserve this one champ. I’m so happy for you!! Congrats!!!

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Damn KyawCR7, I suppose u were rt that TTP decisions would come out this week! Nice prediction and congrats to all the new Trojans!

Us Non-TTPers will hopefully hear back soon


I wish the best of luck to all of us for next week!!!

Congrats everyone! You all deserve this, now you can relax… Wooohooo Fight on!

Rooting for the Non TTP’s in the upcoming days. We have a long wait as DD got SGR but I’m excited for everyone else!


is it a bad sign if you’re non ttp and haven’t gotten SGR yet :confused:

not bad or good… i am non-ttp non-legacy and haven’t received one… I will not worry until I need to worry

no idea

I would say it’s not good or bad as Kendra said, as if you do receive an SGR that means you were not considered for direct admission or rejection and admissions needs your Spring grades to better evaluate you for admission.

Just curious, has any non-ttp and non-legacy students received a SGR? (BTW, CONGRATS TO EVERYONE ACCEPTED!! I’m so excited for you guys :v:t3:)

man. i got a freaking winter grade request but no spring. Im so scared

@Nikkki728 did last night

Yes, my DD got it last Friday