2021-2022 USC Transfer

On a few discords some non-TTP got accepted

When did non ttps heard back last year?

@LeftyRighty16 Congrats and Welcome to the Trojan Family! Glad she didnā€™t have to wait any longer than this. Paris then USC, one lucky girl! She will loooove Marshall.

@KyawCR7 @fann @avahidy7 @merli18 @marieusc @mominstrs @isabellanelson

WELCOME TO THE TROJAN FAMILY ALL! Sorry if I missed anyone, I am playing catch up. I didnā€™t see any non-TTPā€¦

Buckle up everyone, itā€™s almost worse when just some come out like this, it causes anxiety in those still waiting for sure, but there are some large waves to come.

:v: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v:


My son just got in today at 8:30pm, TTP, legacy, Marshall!!! Good luck to everyone!!!


Hello! Iā€™ll only make a quick post not related to USC but I ended up being rejected by NU to answer your question but itā€™s honestly fine and I feel nothing :joy: I didnā€™t need to get in to feel any sort of worth and Iā€™m happy with how my decisions have gone! Thanks for following up tho!!

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Does USC notify you if you get a decision? Very happy to get into Berkeley today, but I am still very much interested in my result with USC.

No problem! I was genuinely happy to see another veteran applicant! Iā€™m pretty sure youā€™re highly qualified candidate and will end up at your top choice school! :slight_smile: In the meanwhile, letā€™s hope some amazing news from USCā€¦ haha

im a veteran too :slight_smile: what branch???

Also if any of you guys get your financial aid summaries, please let us (or me) know when so that I can possibly gage how long I will have to wait. Much appreciated!

Well the time they put them out was sure a plot twist. Sincerely, no bs, earlier today, I was going to post that I expected some decisions today. Itā€™s a week later than last years, which seems to be the schedule they are on. But around 3, I took someone to get ā€œtheā€ vaccine and after they had it they fainted (all fine, prob just anxiety) but that took awhile to settle. By the time I got back on here was 7pm and nothing had happened, and I thought, ā€œwhew, glad I didnā€™t say anything, I would have lost all credibility!ā€ Ha. We all just do our best, eh?

8:30pm is def something new, thinking the IT/CS person had some issues.

I will go ahead and say that USC loves May 1st, which is next Saturday, so hopefully another wave rolls out next Friday as well. We have seen the next waves happen to some degree by school, with noticeable numbers from Marshall & Dornsife then Annenberg. Viterbi has typically been later to release (sorry my engineering friends).
SCA is late as well and tends to be around 23rd of May, the Thursday-ish before the last week of May.


But Andrew Viterbi was quite fast-working engineerā€¦ lol

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Excellent observation - I guess by nature, they are also careful at pondering all possiblities. :grin:

Oh yes! :slight_smile: I was in the Army for 6 yearsā€¦ nothing like your respectable 16 years in the AF!!


whats the process after getting admitted? housing app?

Hey! every 1 year you served is like equivalent to 2 1/2 of air force yearsā€¦ lol soooo we are even

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Hey everyone! I am new here. I am very excited for USC and very nervous lol. I am a non-ttp and non-legacy and my major falls under keckā€¦ does anyone know around when those come out? Also, Iā€™m not your average super high gpa applicant so I am hoping they give my essays and EC a chance :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the forum, if anyone would have any idea it will be @CADREAMIN

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Thank you! I also saw your extremely kind words of encouragement throughout the forum and I think itā€™s so super sweet! Admissions this year are really putting everyone on edge, Iā€™m glad there are such kind people like you to ease everyone :grin:

Awhhā€¦ I appreciate your kind wordsā€¦ I like to live by the saying ā€œit isnt over until the fat lady singsā€¦ and even then, I like to stick around to see if there is an encore.ā€

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I really like how supportive all of you guys are for each other, I think our world has hope! You really are a kind bunch.

And letā€™s all admit it, every one of us is is really rooting for @KendraVixLi to get accepted!