2021-2022 USC Transfer

Last year, as a Viterbi applicant (CS) who was rejected, I heard back May 22nd. Once my finals end on the 10th this wait is gonna be roughhhhh lol

edit: didn’t mean to reply to you, Kendra, but it works haha

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Ill see you on campus! :wink: Happy birthday Ash, and congratulations


TTP: Yes
School: Marshall School of Business


guys i just got accepted


I just got into USC!
Non-TTP and NonLegacy :slight_smile: applied to Dornsife


Our first non-ttp!!! Congratulations!!!

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Hey congrats!! Does this mean they released another wave on the same day? kinda odd lol

Actually it was odd it wasn’t a combo - they don’t usually just do TTP solo. Let’s see if we get more. Some east coasters were probably asleep when they went out!

congrats! What time did you find out?

TTP: Yes
4.0 GPA from UCI

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when and where do we access the housing app?

Wait did you have to turn in the winter grade request for your application to be reviewed? I didn’t even know they added this as a requirement until today :’(

if it showed a red x in your application then admissions would like that information. if your just seeing it in your dropdown thats nothing… every student had it

I’ve spent the last 30 minutes crying my balls out hahahaha i got a status update when I was napping rip but I know waiting is hell so if you have any questions feel free to hmu! Hold on guys!! I’m also TTP if you’re wondering


You will receive login info by email.

First-year freshmen, new graduate students and transferring students may apply for housing once they have been admitted to the university and have been issued a 10-digit USC student identification number. You may submit a housing application before sending your Enrollment Commitment Deposit form.

Housing Transfer student question

  1. I plan to submit my housing app ASAP, I was just wondering if I should find a roommate who have already submitted a housing application to get that early time stamp to get a better chance of getting housing? Or does it not matter and i have to apply alone?

  2. I plan to visit the campus soon, after I complete the Trojan Check as a guest online, where/who do I show the QR code on campus, do i just need to have it in case someone asks me or is there a specific entrance. I plan to just walk around the campus and it’d be nice if it started around the village.

Thank you!

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DD Accepted
TTP: Yes (non-legacy) attending school abroad
School: Marshall

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Based on last year’s thread there was an acceptance wave in April 15th, an SGR request on April 28th, and another acceptance wave in May 21th. It’s a real bummer if they are following that path this year, since that may indicate our next wave to be on May 28th (since our first wave happened 8 days after the first wave last year.) But, nonetheless, it’s just a matter of time.

I’m a little disappointed in the admissions officers because they led me to believe all the decisions would be released on one day… so I will talk to them again next Monday to figure out when exactly the next wave is going to happen. Imo, it’s not fair to imply decisions would be released on one day, and then split it up into waves, since it leaves those w/o any decision in infinite anxiety.

I’m taking the English class equivalent, makes sense that I got the SGR.

They aren’t going to tell you what is actually happening, the never do. And in their history, they have never released transfer decisions on one day so that would have been an upside down world for them. There are many cases of “not at all accurate” info that posters were told when they called. It’s really best to not call and ask when, they aren’t going to be transparent, it’s their show, their timeline.

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