2021 Pre-Screen Thread

My son heard from Northwestern and Indiana that the woodwind/oboe faculty want to interview him and hear him play virtually after receiving his full admission materials.

Good sign?

These are about 10-20 minutes in length. Any idea how to prep or has anyone had any experience with these ?


An invitation is ALWAYS a good sign. It means that they can see him in their program. Of course there are other students that get invitations too. Still he’s in the running.

Based on live auditions in the past, I would guess he really wants to work on “just being himself” as a musician. Of course, he should dress appropriately and be organized. Who wants to teach a late, sloppy, disorganized student (some may…but some may not). So if he is neat in appearance, prepared (meaing music is neat and ready to go), courteous, curious and open to constructive criticism…he’ll do fine. Please note that sometimes they will tell a student to try their music in a different way. This does NOT mean he is doing it wrong in most cases. They just may be checking how well he takes instruction. He should try his best no matter what…even if it is difficult or not easy to master. A good attitude does matter.

He could also prepare a couple of questions…just in case. Sometimes auditions can be pretty short and sweet (IU does that in some cases). So he should be prepared for that as well and not feel bad afterward. In the olden days, my D’s IU audition was bx 5 and 10 min and she was accepted.

Good luck.

Edit: I hope someone with more current information can respond bc of course I don’t know about virtual auditions. But I would guess somethings don’t change.

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thank you so much! I guess they are still evaluating them.

Rice’s interview is postponed. At one point I thought S didn’t pass the audition since he didn’t receive any interview confirmation. Now the hopes are back again. I guess it’s the usual ups and downs that go along with the entire process :slight_smile:

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@musicmom98 My son just completed a zoom audition (violin) with Northwestern 3 hours ago. They just asked him to play two pieces and stopped him at 10 min mark.

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It looks that 2/5 and 2/6 are big days for many. Congratulations for getting it done and look forward to the good news :clap:


These are the only things we have that are zoom, everything else was submitted and is being reviewed.

2/13 - SUNY Fredonia (zoom audition / interview)
2/14 - CIM (zoom audition / interview / tour)
2/21 - Aaron Copland Queens College (zoom audition)

Whew, I am running a little behind this week. Good luck to all who have recordings, auditions or interviews coming up soon! Once again there are so many this week that CC will not let me post shout outs, but know that we are rooting for you!

(Also, everyone, please let me know if I have missed any updates! Or if you have any other schools/dates to add.)

2025Class - VP undergrad

  • 1/30 Vanderbilt
  • 2/5 Juilliard
  • 2/5 BU
  • 2/13 Northwestern

BooMimiMommy (daughter) cello performance

  • 2/14 CIM (zoom audition/interview)
  • MSM
    2/13 SUNY Fredonia (zoom audition/interview)
    2/21 Aaron Copland Queens College (zoom audition)

catcatcatcat - violin

  • 12/5 UMiami
  • 1/23 UMich
  • 2/5 USC

Coffeymommy (daughter) BM composition

  • 1/30 Ithaca College
  • 2/1 Oberlin
  • 2/6 CU-Boulder
  • TBD Bard
  • week of 2/14-2/19 Peabody
  • TBD Purchase


  • 12/18 Juilliard
  • 2/1 Bard(recorded) BM Performance
  • 2/1 Peabody(recorded) BM Performance
  • TBD Peabody Composition
  • 2/10 SUNY Purchase(recorded) BM Performance
  • 2/19 Bard for BM Comp

goldilockspryor (daughter) MM Vocal Performance

  • 1/23 Boston Conservatory
  • Mannes (recorded)
  • TBA Roosevelt
  • TBA SF Conservatory

golf_guy (son) bassoon
2/13 Eastman (zoom interview/audition)

Kamanuiu (son) jazz double bass

  • 1/21 The New School (interview)
  • 2/6 UCLA
  • 2/27 SFCM
  • 1/22 Duquesne
  • TBA SUNY Purchase

mali1230 (son) BM violin (Dual Degree)

  • 1/4 CMU (recorded, no prescreen)
  • 2/1 Peabody (recorded, no prescreen)
  • 2/1 Jacob (recorded, no prescreen)
  • 2/6 Northwestern/Bienen (zoom audition)
  • 1/22 UMich (zoom audition)
  • 2/1 Boston University (recorded)
  • 2/1 Oberlin (recorded)
  • 2/1 MSM (recorded)
  • 2/1 NEC/Tufts (recorded)
  • 2/19 Eastman (zoom audition)

MathandSinging (daughter) BM VP soprano

  • 12/5 Miami/Frost
  • 12/11 CU Boulder (prerecorded audition this year)
  • 1/16 ASU
  • 1/22 BU

mezzothings - graduate VP

  • 2/12 Boston University
  • 1/30 Boston Conservatory
  • FSU (prerecorded audition this year)
  • 2/13 Northwestern/Bienen

mgpaul11 - cello performance

  • SFCM
  • UCLA

msitbvs - MM Voice

  • week of 2/22 Yale

musicmom98 (son) oboe performance

  • 1/26 CMU
  • 1/29 Vanderbilt
  • 2/12 Northwestern

overdone (daughter) VP

  • 1/16 NYU BM VP
  • 1/23 Berklee BM VP
  • 1/30 Ithaca BM Jazz Voice
  • 2/6 UDenver/Lamont BM Jazz Voice
  • 2/13 Columbia College Chicago BM CUPM

Pl1277 (daughter) VP Soprano / Education

  • 1/30 BOCO
  • 2/5 Boston University
  • 2/12 CCM
  • 2/6 University Colorado - Boulder
  • LSU (prerecorded audition)
  • 1/23 University North Carolina
  • TBD Northwestern

RachelParent (boy) BM voice

  • 1/16 or 1/23 CCM
  • Curtis
  • 2/5 Juilliard
  • 2/5 or 2/6 Rice

realname101 - classical piano

  • 11/13 Northwestern/Bienen (ED)
  • 2/11 or 2/12 Rice Shepherd

shecklhj - DMA Piano Performance

  • 1/8 Eastman (prerecorded)
  • 1/8 UMich (prerecorded)
  • 1/4 University of Iowa (prerecorded)
  • 1/4 University of Minnesota (prerecorded)
  • 2/1 Bard (prerecorded)
  • 2/5 University of Nebraska - Lincoln (zoom audition)
  • 2/6 University of Arizona (zoom audition)
  • 2/13 Shenandoah Conservatory (zoom audition)

soprano999 - MM Voice

  • 2/12 Northwestern/Bienen
  • 1/23 USC

stringbird (daughter) BM viola

  • 1/15 Lawrence University (prerecorded)
  • 12/1 FSU (prerecorded)
  • 1/30 AppState (zoom audition)
  • 2/6 Bard (zoom audition)
  • 2/6 University of Arizona (zoom audition)

TwinMom0419 (son) BM violin

  • 2/5 Michigan State
    2/1 Jacobs (prerecorded)
    Gettysburg (1/23 interview 2/5 recording)
    1/16 ASU (zoom audition)
    1/15 UConn (prerecorded)
    1/15 U of Oregon (prerecorded)

woodstoc - MM violin

  • 1/15 Rice (recorded)
  • 2/5 USC Thornton (zoom audition)
  • 2/5 Juilliard (recorded)

Any updates?

Yes !

Son’s Vanderbilt interview is 2/20

Indiana is 3/6.

Northwestern was today. He was told ahead of time that it was an interview and he would not need to play. They did ask a few questions/ who are/were his teachers, the repitore he had played, then shared that his recorded audition was wonderful and discussed the program there for oboists and described ensembles that would be available to him as an undergraduate if he joins them.

What I don’t understand is the purpose of thei yer ire since he didn’t play and they spoke much more than he did (he said there was very little time to ask his own questions)


I think with the remote / virtual interaction, colleges’ main objective is perhaps to ensure the students are comfortable, confident and their best. They perhaps need to rely more on applications and pre-recording for assessment purposes. My son also has very positive feedback on all the interviews and live auditions he has had. Thanks for sharing the experience. Hope all students can feel relatively relaxed and confident knowing people on the screen really want them to succeed.


In regards to short interviews, my son had 1 interviewer tell him that the main reason they do them is to make sure that the person who submitted the recorded audition is the same person as the applicant. In that particular instance, his interview was very short - just a couple of questions and then it was over.


He was t asked to play just to interview. He had submitted a recorded audition. Any idea when they will send admission info ?

I don’t know the answer to your question “why this type of interview”. However based on my D’s experience with 2 different schools and with an eye to the current environment I will speculate.

1.). It’s the first time doing this type of “audition” process…so there are bound to be questionable interactions. I doubt it’s a well-oiled machine.

2.) Voice professors probably have little experience in “interviewing” students. Auditioning students…yes. Very little is said in an audition outside of the playing/singing. Admissions people typically do the “sales” portion. So a 10 minute zoom “interview”? Maybe they are a bit at a loss too on what to say. Babbling is often the result of not knowing exactly what you are doing. So your son is expecting an “interview” and he gets a lot of talk. Does the faculty know/been trained to “interview” a student over zoom? Probably not…they may be winging it.

And…I wonder if the interview (in this case) is more of a pass/fail (you show up, your the right person and you are presentable)…and again the main deciding factor is still the audition…so it being a bit “loose” in format reflects that.

As for when to expect results, you can look at last year’s information for when the school began releasing results. There is a thread in the “Read Me” that shows when results were released last year. Many schools have given expectations to parents, in the past, during the audition information sessions. So I think that it would be OK to call and inquire of the admissions people about timing expectations (if you can’t find it on the schools website…it can be there too). The “unknown” can be difficult so I think it’s OK to inquire of the school…just to help you manage the anxiety.

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Woo Hoo! One down, an acceptance!

My daughter was accepted to Fredonia on the spot during her audition,
CIM interview was today, went well, quickly, only a few minutes long, they listened to her play. She has an interview with the admissions department today at 4:30, as well.

I am struggling with the stress of this all!

Haven’t heard a peep from Indiana other than when we attended the Zoom meeting and nothing from Peabody just yet. I don’t even know that she will be interviewed but I hope so.

Good luck to all!


Congratulations on the acceptance. On the spot, that’s amazing!@BoominiMom.

Thank you all for sharing information.

Anyone here has passed the audition for Juilliard? Next round should be around Feb 16-24 (for voice), therefore candidates might be notified soon? Not too sure. The virtual audition this year is so different from that of past years and it’s hard to predict. Best luck everyone.


We’re back down to where CC will let me post names. Good luck this week to @BooMimiMommy’s daughter, @Coffeymommy’s daughter, @filmandcomp, @mali1230’s son, @musicmom98’s son!

2025Class - VP undergrad

  • 1/30 Vanderbilt
  • 2/5 Juilliard
  • 2/5 BU
  • 2/13 Northwestern

BooMimiMommy (daughter) cello performance

  • 2/14 CIM (zoom audition/interview)
  • MSM
  • 2/13 SUNY Fredonia (zoom audition/interview)
  • 2/21 Aaron Copland Queens College (zoom audition)

catcatcatcat - violin

  • 12/5 UMiami
  • 1/23 UMich
  • 2/5 USC

Coffeymommy (daughter) BM composition

  • 1/30 Ithaca College
  • 2/1 Oberlin
  • 2/6 CU-Boulder
  • TBD Bard
  • week of 2/14-2/19 Peabody
  • TBD Purchase


  • 12/18 Juilliard
  • 2/1 Bard(recorded) BM Performance
  • 2/1 Peabody(recorded) BM Performance
  • TBD Peabody Composition
  • 2/10 SUNY Purchase(recorded) BM Performance
  • 2/19 Bard for BM Comp

goldilockspryor (daughter) MM Vocal Performance

  • 1/23 Boston Conservatory
  • Mannes (recorded)
  • TBA Roosevelt
  • TBA SF Conservatory

golf_guy (son) bassoon

  • 2/13 Eastman (zoom interview/audition)

Kamanuiu (son) jazz double bass

  • 1/21 The New School (interview)
  • 2/6 UCLA
  • 2/27 SFCM
  • 1/22 Duquesne
  • TBA SUNY Purchase

mali1230 (son) BM violin (Dual Degree)

  • 1/4 CMU (recorded, no prescreen)
  • 2/1 Peabody (recorded, no prescreen)
  • 2/1 Jacob (recorded, no prescreen)
  • 2/6 Northwestern/Bienen (zoom audition)
  • 1/22 UMich (zoom audition)
  • 2/1 Boston University (recorded)
  • 2/1 Oberlin (recorded)
  • 2/1 MSM (recorded)
  • 2/1 NEC/Tufts (recorded)
  • 2/19 Eastman (zoom audition)

MathandSinging (daughter) BM VP soprano

  • 12/5 Miami/Frost
  • 12/11 CU Boulder (prerecorded audition this year)
  • 1/16 ASU
  • 1/22 BU

mezzothings - graduate VP

  • 2/12 Boston University
  • 1/30 Boston Conservatory
  • FSU (prerecorded audition this year)
  • 2/13 Northwestern/Bienen

mgpaul11 - cello performance

  • SFCM
  • UCLA

msitbvs - MM Voice

  • week of 2/22 Yale

musicmom98 (son) oboe performance

  • 1/26 CMU
  • 2/20 Vanderbilt
  • 2/12 Northwestern
    3/6 Indiana

overdone (daughter) VP

  • 1/16 NYU BM VP
  • 1/23 Berklee BM VP
  • 1/30 Ithaca BM Jazz Voice
  • 2/6 UDenver/Lamont BM Jazz Voice
  • 2/13 Columbia College Chicago BM CUPM

Pl1277 (daughter) VP Soprano / Education

  • 1/30 BOCO
  • 2/5 Boston University
  • 2/12 CCM
  • 2/6 University Colorado - Boulder
  • LSU (prerecorded audition)
  • 1/23 University North Carolina
  • TBD Northwestern

RachelParent (boy) BM voice

  • 1/16 or 1/23 CCM
  • Curtis
  • 2/5 Juilliard
  • 2/5 or 2/6 Rice

realname101 - classical piano

  • 11/13 Northwestern/Bienen (ED)
  • 2/11 or 2/12 Rice Shepherd

shecklhj - DMA Piano Performance

  • 1/8 Eastman (prerecorded)
  • 1/8 UMich (prerecorded)
  • 1/4 University of Iowa (prerecorded)
  • 1/4 University of Minnesota (prerecorded)
  • 2/1 Bard (prerecorded)
  • 2/5 University of Nebraska - Lincoln (zoom audition)
  • 2/6 University of Arizona (zoom audition)
  • 2/13 Shenandoah Conservatory (zoom audition)

soprano999 - MM Voice

  • 2/12 Northwestern/Bienen
  • 1/23 USC

stringbird (daughter) BM viola

  • 1/15 Lawrence University (prerecorded)
  • 12/1 FSU (prerecorded)
  • 1/30 AppState (zoom audition)
  • 2/6 Bard (zoom audition)
  • 2/6 University of Arizona (zoom audition)

TwinMom0419 (son) BM violin

  • 2/5 Michigan State
  • 2/1 Jacobs (prerecorded)
  • Gettysburg (1/23 interview 2/5 recording)
  • 1/16 ASU (zoom audition)
  • 1/15 UConn (prerecorded)
  • 1/15 U of Oregon (prerecorded)

woodstoc - MM violin

  • 1/15 Rice (recorded)
  • 2/5 USC Thornton (zoom audition)
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DD has not heard back from Juilliard about voice callbacks either and is starting to feel disheartened since they begin tomorrow.


Thanks for sharing. Really appreciate it. Anyone’s guess but if nobody has heard anything, no news is perhaps good news. I hope she is feeling better knowing that. Such a stressful time for all kids. Very best luck to her and please keep us posted with any updates :grinning:

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I think she’s also worried because of the email they sent on the 5th of Feb (I’m assuming as a mass email) saying that they were having difficulty opening some videos that were saved as .mov files. I know she double and triple checked hers before the 11:59 PM dealing, but still it was enough to plant a seed of concern!