2022 Admissions Decisions

My S has the same tab added as well, he was deferred EA.

@collegelehigh my son has that tab as well. When you click on it the classes are for spring or summer.
Not sure if it means anything.

tab was also added to my son’s page, he was deferred EA as well

Tab was added to my portal as well.

Me too, deferred EA

Does anyone not have it?

Transfer student here. I have that same tab. Decisions haven’t been released for us yet. It probably does not mean anything.

I have it too. Was Defered EA

But, why am I allowed to pick courses that shows what time they are at and who they are taught by?

My daughter has it too. She was deferred EA.

My son has it. He was accepted in December.

Tab was added to my daughter’s portal as well. Deferred EA. Any idea what this means?

This tab is also added to my portal. I applied RD.

This tab is on my sons as well. If only it had exploding confetti and a huge congratulations!

My son’s page has it as well. Since noone has confirmed not having it, it doesn’t seem to mean anything.

My son’s page (RD) has it as well. Since noone has confirmed not having it, it doesn’t seem to mean anything.

Mine has it too. Applied RD.

Does anyone know a firm date of when results are coming out?

@wannagotovandy there is no real set date, and admissions are on a rolling basis. however, i’m thinking that they will probably start friday the 16th because they started on friday the 17th last year.

@macaylac Well that’s good to know. Do we get an email saying that there was an update to our applications?

@wannagotovandy I want to say yes, but I’m not positive since I’m only a senior myself.