2022 NASA SEES Internship

hey guys! I didn’t see a thread for this, i was wondering if anyone knew when application decisions will be out ?

Last year my kid got an email on April 24th. Good luck to you!

Thank you! If you’re okay with sharing, what program did your kid participate in?

She actually ended up declining the offer (Mosquito Mappers) because the entire program was changed to go all virtual (basically 40 hr/week online only) and that was not what she wanted to spend six weeks of her summer doing. With the original application, the hope was for a two week residential experience pending how the pandemic was going, and once that was changed, it lost its appeal for her. Also there was some disorganization at the beginning (perhaps due to the pandemic) but that didn’t instill confidence for committing six weeks of summer to the experience. And we wanted to visit some college campuses over the summer prior to applying to schools, and it was hard to fit all that in with the SEES program. So for those reasons, she decided to skip it, and had a more relaxed summer of working and going on trips, and getting started with figuring out what schools were of interest.

Your email might actually come earlier because the application deadline was extended to sometime in March last year.

Anybody received acceptances/ rejections yet?

Nope, the acceptances and rejections could come out at any time from now until a couple days into May. They aren’t too clear on their release date unfortunately. :slightly_frowning_face:

Any news on this yet?

Nope :frowning: It’s going to be on May 1st at the very least.

Someone said they got an acceptance email around 30 minutes ago, so they might be sending out decisions right now.

In disbelief right now - I just got accepted into the galaxy classification team :frowning_with_open_mouth:

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CONGRATS!!! That is actually amazing and you definitely deserved this! I still haven’t gotten anything yet. I think they’re only sending out acceptances right now and then rejections later. But then, they might not send rejection emails at all.

thank you so much!! don’t give up hope yet, they may stagger the releases based on team! also check ur spam just in case! best of luck, and even if things don’t go the way you expected it to I know you’ll have a great summer nonetheless!!

Did anyone else hear back on the NASA SEES application? We have not heard anything yet and it’s May 1st already.

Just got an email for a virtual internship, I think acceptances are still rolling out throughout the week!


I got accepted this weekend to the ROADS team and am SO excited!! If anyone has gone before can you share your experience?

congrats to everyone who got accepted!! there’s a discord for accepted interns: Discord

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anyone have any tips for prospective 2023 applicants? are the virtual internships harder to get into?

I applied last summer and was accepted for an onsite internship. In the emails we were told that there were approx. 1k applicants with 90 accepted for the onsite internship and 200 accepted for the virtual internship. I’m pretty sure this year they’re cutting back on the number of accepted students for the onsite internship, but they might expand their virtual internship offerings to compensate!

For the application I’d definitely emphasize your love of science and math (I’m pretty sure nerdier = better lol) and also you could mention things you’ve done or want to explore that connect to your first choice team. Good luck!

Hi! Anyone hear anything from NASA SEES 2023 yet? When did the 2022 decisions start coming in?


The past two years, the emails have been sent in the last week of April.

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