2023-2024 USC Transfer

unbelievable nothing for TTP yet or SGR!

am i at a disadvantage if Iā€™m on the quarter system and I only took 3 classes a quarter? I do have a lot of ap credits and have completed the math/engl requirement.

SGR likely if you donā€™t have 30 units.

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Someone just got in USC TRANSFER 2023 - 2024

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no SGR

Sophomore or Junior TTP& or legacy?

Both Soph & Jr. no legacies Virterbi only

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We should see some kind of acceptance & SGR wave from a variety of schools (Viterbi tends to ride solo on transfer acceptances), but be prepared that some will not hear until end of May (Friday before Memorial Day) and even at that time, it could be an SGR.

They are definitely later than usual with their pre-end of May wave. Letā€™s hope for this week now that May 1st is behind them.

Buckle up, it can still be a long ride, especially if SGR involved.


What exactly does this mean? I have a family member waiting to hear on this. Thanks for your help.

They tend to release theirs in a wave but not necessarily on the same day as the others. But this year has proven to be an outlier with results coming later so weā€™ll see what happens. Good luck - I know itā€™s stressful!

What is the average gpa for Viterbi accepted sophomore transfers that have no legacy or TTP/ VTP

Has anyone received an SGR or is it too early?

nope, not yet.

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looks like decisions will be released closer to end of may?

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a lot of us are predicting the big drop will be may 26th!!!

3 day weekendā€¦

Hi All- My son received his acceptance letter last year on May 20th. Memorial Day last year was on the 30th.

Hiā€¦was your son TTP & or legacy or a regular transfer?

Kind of complicatedā€¦he originally applied to USC from HS and got TTP but he was applying as a sophomore so I am not sure he was in that pool.


Students who accepted TTP can apply as a sophomore assuming the freshman requirements are met.