2023-2024 USC Transfer

Will a W on my transcript this semester ruin my chances? I work full time and am also a full time student. Work also picked up and I was required to work extra hours.

Yes- I know…but he did not.

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Is today THE DAY??? What do you all think?

I kind of have a feeling there may be a small wave today… :crossed_fingers:

What time would they release decisions ?


I have no real idea, but the last few who received decisions did so around 6 pm.

6pm eastern or western time?

Pacific. Western.


anybody know what day decisions come out? Is it the 31st?

No one knows. No date is specified. They reiterate that decisions or SGRs will come out by May 31.


this year has been an awful wait for so many more people than usual. Wonder if this is the new m.o.

Good luck all, hopefully tomorrow - that’s the usual play, if there is usual anymore. :slight_smile:
Fight ON!


Uc deadline june 1 so only get a few days get financial aid in order to ponder


If it is today, is there a usual time?

Really hoping it’s today too.

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3-5pm pst


anyone get anything?

Rejected after getting an acceptance last year. So sad :frowning: congrats to everyone !

No. I committed to going there last year and changed my mind and went somewhere else, regretted it all year. Guess it wasn’t meant to be. I will be heading to uva or Georgetown at this point

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Sorry to hear that but UVA and Georgetown are really excellent schools. May I ask if you just heard from USC today?

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