2023-2024 USC Transfer

accepted! :slight_smile:

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the applicant portal now has a line in red for spring grades that wasnā€™t there yesterday. Is this their spring grade request? there was no email sent or any words communicated. Just a new line in checklist of the applicant portal

Yes I heard at 6pm est . They didnā€™t send an email, I just checked the portal

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Same thing happened to me :sob: Waiting for an email cus I canā€™t tell if itā€™s an SGR or not but looks like it

SGR for our daughter. Not sure of her chances now but apparently, sheā€™ll find out in July.

bro idk how i got accepted


Accepted for spring; does anyone know when financial aid offers come out?

Congrats @scar1 !!!

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Usually in 3 days to a week if everything is complete.

My son (TTP, legacy) applied to Viterbi for Computer Engineering, but was accepted as Undecided/Exploratory to School ā€œProvostā€™s Officeā€.

Is ā€œProvostā€™s Officeā€ just a general undeclared?

What does he need to do to change majors to Computer Engineering in Viterbi?

Accepted. Marshall.


Still waiting TTP abroadā€¦

Accepted to Dormsife!

Not sure if this is the right thread - but is there a cc thread to look for housing and roommates around USC? Really appreciateā€¦

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It is difficult for transfers to find housing within walking distance from campus. You should start ASAP and get on waiting lists (USC school housing, private apartments, etc.), Facebook (I believe there is a FB page for new transfer students looking for roommates), word of mouth, etc.

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Hi, does anyone know if it is difficult to transfer from American University of Paris as a non-TTP? Daughter was not offered TTP and is now thinking of going to AUP. Thank you!

Just this week our daughterā€™s friend non-TTP who was at AUP was also just admitted w/o SGR

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Was this after first year at AUP? Thank you.

yes but she was above the 3.7 threshold. Other non TTP
below got SGR & are currently waiting

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