2026 BFA Prescreen Results

@mtmama2026 Thank you! No, she isn’t doing Moonifieds. We applied to the school online and did prescreens through getacceptd.

My D is only doing MT. She said from the start of this process that she wasn’t going to accept any acting re-directs and she put on all of her applications that she was not interested in acting. Not that she doesn’t love to act, but she isn’t willing to go through all of the this and 4 mpre years of school for acting. She felt like if she didn’t get any MT offers, she was going to not pursue transferring (she has 40 college hours from community college), but rather stop school and immerse herself completely into acting by getting an agent and moving to LA :rofl: Thankfully, she has already gotten 2 MT offers (not her “dream” schools, but still good MT programs), so she won’t be moving to LA anytime soon! :slightly_smiling_face:



We still haven’t heard from Ithaca. So weird. So many have heard. :confused: We also haven’t heard from Penn State and many have heard from them, too. :frowning:

When did y’all apply?

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We applied early to Ithaca. All our prescreen were in by about 9/19.

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We are also waiting on Ithaca, but didn’t apply until 10/29 due to my D dragging her feet on the classical monologue.

  1. List item

Ithaca’s was particularly prickly.
On an FB page a mom took the time to rewrite a perfectly nice rejection letter and was applauded. I mean is it really necessary to write that stuff? Just awful. PS; I know a kid who didn’t pass their prescreen and ended up at UMICH and was in 3 Bway shows. So there take that! LOLS


I don’t understand the point of an unkind or “prickly” rejection letter. My daughter didn’t apply to Ithaca for the random reason that her brother is graduating from Cornell this year and she just didn’t want to be there- I’m kind of glad now. It doesn’t sound like a supportive environment.


We didn’t apply to Ithaca but we did to Penn State and Texas State (and about 18 others! :joy:)

Applied to both on 10/11. Heard from Penn St on 11/15 and have not heard from TxSt

Did anyone apply to Hartt and if so, have you heard anything? Although I just checked and she didn’t submit until 10/22 so maybe that’s why.


S turned in pre-screen at Boston Conservatory 11/6 and heard back today (yes).

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Congrats. We are anxiously waiting for Texas State Decision…Prescreen sent September 27th.


SO many stories like that! Goes to prove the point often made that acceptance/rejection isn’t necessarily a comment on talent.


We sent ours for TX state on Oct 11th and haven’t heard back. Someone posted yesterday that they sent theirs on Oct 24th and got notified yesterday. So odd how they release results.


Can someone please explain the process in regards to Montclair State? Daughter submitted prescreen about 3 weeks ago and hasnt heard back. She did hear from the school that she was admitted with a scholarship. Just curious what the timeframe is from submission of prescreen to response?

Did it really say there are only 80 spots even though it is all virtual? Thank you

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My D has heard from Ithaca, but still nothing from Penn State (my alma mater no less!).


Yes, message from CMU said 3000 auditioned and they had 80 spots. D received a no from them. So far, that’s the only no she has gotten, but I know there are more to come. We haven’t heard back from a lot of schools. :confused:

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Thank you! My D is very excited! Crossing fingers. That program is closest to our home, so she would be able to visit often. But, BOCO is her dream school. So, we’ll see. :crossed_fingers:


We applied to Hartt and have heard nothing. :confused:

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Thanks so much and good luck to your daughter, this is sure a crazy process.


Guess we’ll hear about Hartt (and all the other schools!) eventually! :rofl:

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Minor Molloy update. They responded to my email inquiry to say that they hope to start notifications by Thanksgiving, but that it might be the first week of December at the latest.