2026 BFA Prescreen Results

Has anyone heard from U of O or know anything about their time frame for prescreen results?

Congrats! My D will be there February 26th!

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We are still waiting as well. Would love some info.

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Hi everyone! Not sure if this is just for parents, but I am a senior going through this crazy process and figured this is an amazing place for questions!!
I submitted my prescreen to Elon on 10/30. Does anyone know how long it takes for them to respond? I technically didnā€™t apply EA, but just decided to get all of my prescreens in early just so I wouldnā€™t have to juggle deadlines/could get it over with. And I did the same with UMich, so does anyone know how long they take?
Good lucky everyone!!!

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Elon should be 1/21 based in your submit date. Unsure about UMich, as my DS did not apply there, but others may know. Good luck!



Awesome! Congrats to her! We are doing all virtual callbacks and auditions for many reasons, mostly financial. BAL!!! :slight_smile:



From what I have heard U Mich is releasing their second round of prescreen results Dec 15th. Some who applied very early have already heard. We didnā€™t apply until 12/2 to U Mich.

We applied to Elon on 10/24 and havenā€™t heard back.

Good luck! :crossed_fingers:


@Allie_Velasco1 Break a leg. My D really likes their program.


One of my students was invited to apply based on her prescreens posted on Acceptd. She was curious because she had not applied yet. I have quite a few students posting things on Acceptd but none have heard from Guthrie, so I told her I thought that was unique and she should pursue it. She would do equally well with MT or Acting but Acting is her passion.

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Itā€™s all interesting. This parent said her daughter had been accepted into the Guthrie program based on her pre-screen- that she had received an email from the director of the program a week ago Friday. I have not heard from anyone else about a response to Guthrie prescreens. I have heard of students (including my daughters) being invited to apply through Acceptd. Such a fraught process. Hopefully answers from remaining programs come soon and these students can turn their focus to actual auditions.

Sorry if this is an obvious question- but does that mean the ACCEPTD profile should be ā€œdiscoverableā€ for schools my S hasnā€™t yet applied to?

Hi dramadrama, Sorry to hear that your son did not get the go-ahead from FSU on the pre-screen. Do you know what percentage of students do get past the pre-screens at FSU?

@robert26 I think itā€™s a good idea to make their profile public. My D was able to pick one song and one monologue that are public for schools to see. Sheā€™s been contacted by 4 schools based on them finding her profile in getacceptd. Surely canā€™t hurt!

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She must be very talented! Thank you for the information!

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I recently listened The College Audition Podcast who interviewed FSUā€™s two directors which has some good insight into their BM/BFA programs and audition process. ā€ŽThe College Audition Podcast: Florida State University with Kate Gilbert and Michele Diamonti on Apple Podcasts

The gist is they say they typically receive 1100 prescreens between BM/BFA MT applicants. They offer between 200-250 zoom interviews and from there do 40-50 final on campus. Their ideal target is 8 spots. They try not to offer more than 16-20 max (they prefer 14-16) to yield their ideal.

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I think my son passed Fordham prescreen. He got an email confirming audition on campus. But itā€™s the same date as another audition (Rutgers)ā€¦.oops!!


I listened to the podcast also. The crazy thing about those numbers is if you consider other factors such as gender and all types of diversity goals, the odds for many people of getting in are worse. I would recommend most applicants : save your money and time.

Does Belmont do rolling acceptance/rejections on their ā€œvideo submittal auditionsā€ or is there one date for all results? My daughter submitted back on 11/14 and was accepted academically to the school last week.

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Yes my son got Fordham email just now as well. No specific language as it just lists the audition date and time with all the details:)

My D also submitted on 11/14. This is the info on their website, which I;m sure youā€™ve seen. Its the only thing I have read, so really any time now.

ā€œTo be considered for School of Music scholarship, please submit a video audition before November 14, 2021 (for December notification) or before February 6, 2022 (for March notification).ā€

ā€œA University admissions decision letter will be mailed when your application is complete with the Office of Admissions. The School of Music admissions decision letter will be mailed 3-4 weeks after your audition, as long as youā€™ve received your University decision letter.ā€