2026 BFA Prescreen Results

Does the letter mean they passed the pre-screen? It sounds like it to me at least. There is a schedule for the day…interview and audition.


3-4 weeks post academic acceptance is when my DS received his artistic decision letter via mail.


Snail mail only? Nothing in the portal at all?

@robert26 @dramamama2424 Congrats on your sons prescreen results! My dd hasn’t got any email yet either way, waiting to hear back.

Yes. My D had requested a December audition date for Fordham so received letter a couple weeks ago and did on campus audition Dec. 4. She enjoyed the experience very much. It was nice to get a chance to do an on campus audition. She performed her monologues for 2 panels. Everyone was very welcoming. A day or so before the audition they send out a more detailed letter about what to expect.


The only thing on the portal is the academic acceptance status update, but nothing about artistic. That was only via snail mail.

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We will also be @UNCG Feb 26


Yes from Emerson today :heart: (prescreen pass)



How did you receive?

not sure! i think my kid got an email to check acceptd

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@robert26 Thank you so much! I think she’s pretty awesome, but I am her mom, lol :rofl:


Agree with Allie_Velasco1

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@AZperformom Excellent! We will have to say hello when there!!!

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Just got my third no in a row :confused: god this process is brutal. so far I’ve passed NYU Steinhardt and Ithaca. No’s from CMU, UCF, and Temple. Still waiting on UMich, Elon, Pace, Indiana, Missouri, Molloy/CAP21, and Emerson.

I applied early decision to Steinhardt and the decisions come out in a little less than a week, so fingers crossed. At this point I’m just trying to stay positive and not let these rejections affect me too much


I’m sorry- this is a brutal process. Just remember all the students are in the same position you are. The people who have been through it before say it all works out in the end so here is hoping! Stay positive!


UMich releases in batches. My DD was in the second batch and heard back this week.

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Today was upstate NY day for us, we got a NO from Ithaca and YES from Nazareth. Currently sitting at 10 YES and 9 NO, still waiting on 9 more.


Seems like it is going pretty well!