2026 BFA Prescreen Results

We’ve only heard prescreen results for four so far (Chapman, CMU, Pace and DePaul). 3 passes to the next round. Still waiting on seven more and to hear back on EA decisions for three others that they’ve already finished auditioning for. Most of their material for prescreens was submitted a little over a week ago (for acting). Such a crazy process!


I’m sorry. I am a BTDT parent and it’s so rough. Having said that, you have two great passes. I would love to hear you get into Steinhardt and have it all be done!! BAL and hang in there!

hi all ! has anyone heard artistically from pace for the ea II round? i got my academic acceptance today, and i submitted my prescreen on dec 3 i think. does anyone know when the prescreen decisions get released?

It’s so stressful dealing with the no’s. Everyone gets them though. Exciting about NYU! Good luck!

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@rickle1 great point about auditioning for roles at school and summer stock, I remember when we went through it together 2 years ago just wanting to have choices, was ecstatic with the outcome, thought id never worry again once she got in…yet every audition still- seems the stakes keep getting higher and the competition only gets stiffer. she loves where she is and I hope yours does too but great point that this tension persists- likely forever while they are in this field


I got my pace prescreen pass within about 5 days of submitting!


Yes it’s like it starts all over with each new audition. Maybe we care too much. Don’t know how to not do that. Probably never will.

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Thank you for everyone’s comments, experience and insights here! I went through the BFA audition process (Ithaca BFA Acting) 30 years ago and thought that was stressful but it was NOTHING like today!!! My D is auditioning for BFA MT. I’m worried she didn’t apply to enough schools?!?! Here is where she stands:
Pre screen passes:

No pass from Point Park

Still waiting on pre screen results:

NYU Tish audition scheduled in Jan.

Hope she’s done enough to get into 1 of these schools!


well imho the list is all reach schools so you might want to throw in some schools at this point. just a thought. or even a safety school like muhoenberg?


This my second go round and honestly its easier to cancel auditions as you go than panic in January when deadlines are past. I would definitely throw in a few mid tier schools. Statistically the rule of thumb is 10 auditions yield one offer (Thats auditions not applications so right now you are at 5 auditions with Umich and CCM you will still be under 10)

This is without knowing your daughters type of course:) Certain types can get away with smaller lists.


Oh yes! I agree! She has applied and been accepted to a BFA MT program in our home state. It’s actually where I teach at but really hoping she can go somewhere that her mom isn’t at ;). It is a great program and listed in top 30 musical theatre programs we just both hope she gets accepted to a school away from home. So she does have her safety school but would love some independence.


oh ok that’s good!!! may i ask where her safety school is? just bc i’m curious!!!

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Sure! It’s Nebraska Wesleyan University.

awesome! i have. friend who was axtually the provost at muhlenberg and her son went there and they managed to keep the boundaries so he didn’t feel like he was at his moms school!! always amazed me bc that campus is small! but they made it work.

having said that here’s hoping she gets the school of her dreams!!!


Thanks. Yes I am sure we can make it work just fine if she ends up going to to the school I am at. And she’d get to study MT and directing which can be challenging to fit in both at some schools. Everything happens as it’s meant to be!

You will find the right fit! You should consider Illinois Wesleyan too. Great program. I live here in Bloomington where it is located. Keep positive! :).

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Will take a look! Thank you!!


I agree with the others about applying to more schools. My D applied to 40 schools. She applied to a mix of reach and target schools. Yes, that’s a lot, but I wasn’t taking any chances that we’d be going through all of this for nothing. I have read about talented kids walking away with no offers. So far she has gotten all prescreen passes (expect CMU) and 6 BFA MT offers (not her first choices, but backups). I am really glad she cast a wide net. I am still extremely nervous about her getting into a reach school. I want that so badly for her, but whatever happens, she at least has those backups.


MY son was accepted to Belmont MT! We got a letter in the mail on Monday:) Does anyone have any info about their program?