2026 BFA Prescreen Results


That is so awesome! Congrats! When did he audition?

It was all video audition. I think he sent it middle of October.


They have a very good website. Thing to know about Belmont is they are a big music school. Lots of commercial music majors lots of performance groups and opportunities.


Please remember to release MT offers from schools you have ruled out attending so waitlists can be adjusted, and other kids can have a chance at chasing their dreams


Congratulations- gorgeous campus too. Really spectacular.

This makes me so nervous- my D definitely did not cast a wide net. She does not have 10 yet and two of the ones she has are UNCSA and Julliard- with no prescreen requirement- so I am not even sure I can’t count those in 10. She has one safety but I know she doesn’t want to go there. She is not a type that can get away with a smaller list. Big sigh.

This is where it gets interesting. Would you rather go to your 10th choice school in a BFA program or your 1st choice school in your 2nd choice major knowing there are many paths to a successful career (how ever you may define it)


It’s all very confusing! Quick question - BU says that they will only callback if they need to see more of the student’s work. Do they let applicants know if it is a no? Any experience with timing for pre-screen results for BFA Acting? Thanks!

Another program you might want to look at for peace of mind is Savannah College of Art Design in Savannah. They don’t have an MT program, but their performing arts BFA does some MT and they have an audition only vocal group called the Honeybees which apparently is coached by a Broadway Alum. We visited the school and found a lot to love about it. It is rolling admission and has a very high acceptance rate. Audition is only needed for scholarship. They also allow kids to double major or major and minor in areas such as casting, film and TV production, and a multitude of other interesting areas.


Well, hard to know if last year is applicable to this year, but my daughter did get a no on her “prescreen” from BU last year. We were confused since the wording was similar last year to what it sounds like it is this year. So I would say no news is good news!


oh my! happy girl here. a prescreen yes from BOCO! such a busy time
keep checking those portals!


Agree about this program. My daughter did apply here and we also visited last March and really loved it.

They said after the new year for BU

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BU was very disappointing and very confusing. They did not notify by the date that they had on the prescreen but did send out no’s before the formal notification date. I think they may have been overwhelmed last year but their odd and specific requirement and method of notification was a bit more upsetting than the average no.

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Thanks so much for letting us know about BU last year. It’s good to have the heads up! He knows it’s a reach also.


Does BU not do any call backs? I thought they said they might not call you back because they had seen enough but I was not sure if that was customary or just once in awhile.

They absolutely did call backs. My S was not called back but also did not get a no before their cutoff so it was really confusing and a little disappointing (but as has been said many times before in this thread and others it is such a crazy process, he didnt get a callback at BU but is at UNCSA!)


Baldwin Wallace early action results came out on December 7. Did anyone get accepted? Waitlist for my D.


That’s a great story and a fabulous result for him! I am so glad to hear it- this IS such a crazy process. Thanks so much for getting back to me. Hope he is enjoying it!


Waitlisted BW here as well, have only heard of waitlist and no so far, not seen anyone post an acceptance.