2026 BFA Prescreen Results

Congrats on the BW waitlist. My D was surprised and happy not to get a no. :slight_smile:


I saw one young woman post an acceptance and commitment to BW for MT on Instagram.


A few yrs ago D applied and auditioned at SCAD (her first audition). We visited and it is a very cool place. She actually received a very impressive scholarship but turned it down because their program is not MT. You can build that in via minoring in music with a MT emphasis (but that’s just a few classes) and take dance classes.

However, for the actors out there, they have a very strong acting and film school and have a lot of kids working in TV/Film in Atlanta during school. Have a professional talent / casting agency on campus headed up by a former major casting director from CBS. Atlanta has become a huge hub for film and tv. It’s like Hollywood, NY, and Atlanta.

Had D attended she would have majored in Theater and Writing with a minor in Music.

Just didn’t feel right because she wanted a full blown MT program but very impressive and fun area. We love Savannah!


Some people are wary of posting acceptances on social media especially if they are going to continue auditioning for other schools as it could affect future results. Schools do monitor social media and also have teachers and coaches on this thread as well;)
Some who commit and stop auditioning of course will post. Just my way of saying that there may be acceptances that you will not find out about until spring even though they were accepted early;)


Of course, lots of kids are not posting results, my DD included. However, we now know of 5 acceptances from BW, just through the grapevine of the kids she knows. So to answer the original post about BW results, yes, there are full acceptances, but cherish the waitlist, it can become an acceptance. My DD was also thrilled with the waitlist, it is not a no.


paging @NYYFanNowMTdad to respond to the folks writing about a WL offer from BW! :wink:

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It’s fairly common for FALL auditioners to get No or WL, very few offers are made in December traditionally. Like a handful

 there is some wait list movement in April . YOU CAN GET A YES IN MARCH after being WL IN DECEMBER, OR REMAIN ON WL THRU APRIL OR GET PERIODIC RELEASE NOTIFICATIONS STARTING IN MARCH. WL at BW per Vicky BUSSERT is by type, so no number but rather a lane you are in. We were happy to get waitlisted in March and came off the WL late April
.my final decision thread from class of 2024 gives more details about that, but I would be encouraged not discouraged by a WL at a hyper selective program
//hope that helps?


Maybe 2 handfuls, but do not feel like the class is full by any stretch most kids DO NOT commit even to BW BEFORE APRIL when the audition season is over, so the rest of the BW AUDITION DEFINITELy yield a significant number of the kids that make up the final class
.a lot of the kids accepted to BW have options & lots of factors matter like big school vs small, geography etc
 a waitlist is a great thing! Not a no as someone else mentioned


you da best!!!

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It is not time to release any schools — UNLESS you are absolutely certain the school you are accepted to is not a fit for you. Final financial aid packages will not start rolling until Feb-April and nobody should make a decision until they understand cost of attendance. One of my students has five offers so far. Most I have seen at this point in the season. And I have told her to only turn down schools she does not feel comfortable about (program, curriculum, location, faculty, etc). This is just the beginning. We have a long way to go


amen! it’s not quite halftime!


Yes, although it may seem cruel to those with no offers those who have multiple offers at this point can use them for leverage for merit packages down the line. Some of the schools have become more stingy with aid of all sorts at this point and these schools are very very expensive in a field that is rarely high paying. My son had several offers at this point that he did not release until everything was clear, wait lists exist for just this reason.


Disagree, if you have no intention of going to a school and have multiple better options, you should behave with integrity, inform the school, and move on.


Several of the schools will allow you to upload the final packages you get from other schools into their portals as part of requests for more aid. If you dont have the final aid package from each schools, you wont have that information and can’t use it for leverage. The schools well understand their yield and wont reject anyone based on others holding a spot a few more months. If I remember correctly there is movement on waiting lists well into the summer.

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Wha? Why would a person apply to a school they have no intention of attending?

My ds has an early offer but still has 9 auditions in January we will assess when the process is over and see it through to the end. We paid a lot of money and time and effort to apply to schools so to drop them now is nonsense. However if it’s May I get the point of starting to release schools.


agreed! My S started releasing schools in March after the financial aid started to come out and it was clear that some were a no.


As far as releasing schools, we personally won’t release until either one of two things happens-

  1. She gets accepted to her “dream school” at which point we will stop this process and release all schools.

  2. All of her auditions, call backs and offers are complete. At that point, we will assess and she will make the final decision. Once that decision is made, we’ll immediately release schools.

Where we stand now, she has 6 BFA MT offers, has about 25 more auditions and callbacks scheduled for Dec, Jan, and Feb, and is still waiting on 9 prescreen results. So, we have a long way to go, unless she gets the “yes” she’s been dreaming of for 6 years. Then we are done. Praying she gets does, cause this mama is tired, lol.


So good luck to you and her! Unfortunately from the experience last year the “dream” school for many draaaaged the experience until the very last minute with countless call backs. I hope for everyone’s sake this year that doesn’t happen again. Sounds like your D is extremely talented and will have a wonderful place!


People often release auditions at this stage if they have offers from schools higher on their list, which I think accomplishes similar goals of freeing up opportunity. But it is wrong to blame students and their families in a really competitive, difficult to navigate process when they may not yet have full information, which includes financial aid/merit packages. If people use those for leverage it’s because they are smart and people have had circumstances change which made a lower on their list school jump up later, like a parent losing a job, getting sick or a global health emergency! The BFA programs understand this. They know how to use wait lists and schools know if they are picking a kid who may be a reach for them as well and likely has a lot of offers.



Thank you so much! I am very excited for her. I know she’ll have more offers and rejections, but end up where she is meant to be. Her “dream school” is boco. From what I have heard, they make offers in January and February. Do you (or anyone else) have any insight about their time frame? :slight_smile: