2026 BFA Prescreen Results

Your D seems to be doing wonderfully, congratulations to her and good luck on the rest of her auditions!! Thank you for the info!


Thank you!


Thank you so much. D applied in time for ED, so fingers crossed that weā€™ll know something at the end of next month!

great!! My DD got hers in 11/30 and honestly I didnā€™t even know sheā€™d applied until the prescreen pass came, lol. Thatā€™s the difference in the gap year, they are much more on their own, at least in my experience!!! Five offers already is amazing, last year DD didnā€™t get her first BFA offer until late February and we were on pins and needles. Thankfully this year she already has a few.


Not to freak you out but most of the schools on your list are harder to get into than Harvard and that is for people who ARE talented! It takes a wide net to find your spot. You can wait it out and see how it pans out but most females apply to considerably more schools than 8 schools (more like 20ish), particularly when 6 of them are in the exceptionally competitive category. Some of the schools that came to mind from looking at your list are already closed for BFA applications but might still be open for BA applications. Belmont seems to still be open for both, so you might consider adding them (its not an easy admit either). Cornish is still open but I am not sure that fits what she is looking for. It might be worth starting a separate thread to get peopleā€™s suggestions for schools still open for BFA applications. People on here usually have some out of the box ideas you have not thought of!

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Thank you. That list is extremely helpful. It seems most decisions are made end of Feb and March.

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Ok Iā€™m definitely more freaked out.

I wish there were more options in the northeast area, but she really doesnā€™t want to be that far from being able to come home so we were limited a lot by geography.


Thank you so much! Congrats to your D on her offers and callbacks. So exciting! Best of luck to her!

There are literally thousands of kids, most likely the same kids applying to all these programs with pre-screen audition videos and audition packets. It is mathematically impossible that each kid is getting a fair review (I canā€™t blame these schools, I believe they are doing the best they can.) I think most schools are thin-slicing their audition groups and relying on intuition. Many people have attempted to overcome the unpredictability by applying to more and more schools, which just leads to more schools having to evaluate more pre-screens and resumes. Itā€™s like a quality control death spiral.



Iā€™ve heard good things about Western Connecticutā€™s program if sheā€™s looking to stay in the NE. Would she consider New York? Lots of good programs there - either in the city or upstate New York. Maybe some walk-ins at Unifieds? My daughter went through this last year. We were also a little unaware of how competitive it was. She ended up with several options but not any in the reach category. Is currently very happy in her non-ā€œreachā€ program and feels like sheā€™s getting great training, so please look beyond the name brand, everyone has heard of schools!


We looked briefly at Western Connecticut but me being from CT the area was kind of bleh, lol, and I also had no idea about how competitive these programs were in general! If I had, I probably would have had her look closer at it. We did look at NY - she applied to Pace and Nyu Steinhardt and Ithaca, but didnā€™t look at the others, I think we just got really overwhelmed with the whole process.

Iā€™ve heard of Unifieds, but I donā€™t really understand how it works and the website isnā€™t super informative. Is there somewhere where they explain how it works? I think that could be a great option for her.

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Well, since unifieds were cancelled last year, Iā€™m probably not the best person to answer that question, so Iā€™ll leave that up to someone else.

In NY, the ones that quickly come to mind because my daughter applied to them are Marymount Manhattan (doesnā€™t require a prescreen, so she could just schedule and audition after the application), Malloy/CAP 21, and Long Island University Post (thatā€™s where my daughter currently is). Iā€™m pretty sure they are all still accepting applications.

But there are TONS of programs out there and frankly, with the numbers of kids applying and spots typically available at each school (some programs have just 10-12 spots in each year), there are compromises that need to be made for many of the kids (in my opinion).


Thank you for this info! Iā€™ll definitely go check these out now.

Also Nazareth in Rochester, NY. Very solid program.


I completely understand! I knew nothing about this process and how competitive it was. My daughter applied to only 12 schools and I thought that was alot- before I found this thread! Now she is battling me adding more. She applied ED1 for NYU Tisch (12/15 notification), if she doesnā€™t get in I hoping she will add some less competitive programs and a non-audition school. Iā€™m a ball of stress over this process!


I found this list to be extremely helpful. Most of the programs my D applied to are on here (some are not). So many great schools. I definitely recommend to anyone who is getting nervous that they didnā€™t apply to enough schools to just apply to more. Canā€™t hurt.

From what I have read, you are lucky to get one offer for every ten auditions (not applications). So, casting a wide net is crucial in my opinion.


Congratulations! Great news!

I think some times people misunderstand the process as a test of talent but it is just as much a test of preparation! Given a high number of kids are great, then itā€™s about prep - having great material that showcases their strengths and style and understanding how the process works. Itā€™s why you often see people do so much better the second time around or after a gap year. Do consider adding more schools, the northeast is not spare for MT options! If she goes to unifieds she may also have some walk in opportunities.


Wagner has a good BA program (not BFA) and is close to the city.