2026 BFA Prescreen Results

Did she audition early (Dec) at Boco? If so, she should hear last Friday of January as my son did. He loves it there;)



Yes, she auditioned on Dec 11th. :slight_smile:


Did you guys apply early action?

All of these auditions that took place so early - with the prescreen being due Dec. 1 and Dec. 15, I am realizing how much we just didnā€™t know. Did everyone submit prescreens in Sep and Oct?

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Yes my son auditioned for Elon in October and found out two weeks ago. Prescreens were sent by end of sept.



Yes, we applied to boco on Oct 24th. She found out her prescreen results mid-Nov and had her virtual audition on Saturday (12/11).

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We submitted most prescreens end of Oct. Then we added more schools early Nov. U of Mich we didnā€™t submit until 12/2. Have heard back from all, except for 9. My D applied to 40 schools.

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how was the boco auditiom? may i ask if she was asked to do a pop song. they donā€™t seem to say itā€™s necessary but i do wonder if my dd should
have one available anyway!!!


She was not. She could have sung one pop and one musical theater song or 2 musical theater songs, as long as they were contrasting styles. She chose to do two musical theater songs.

My D really enjoyed the boco audition. It was long (3 hours), but she felt good about it. Crossing fingers she is accepted. :crossed_fingers::pray:

Best of luck to your girl! :slight_smile:


@abg32 My D had all hers in by end of September. It made it easier to focus on school, marching band, the play etcā€¦ still waiting on a couple U of Arizona and U of Oklahoma. Wagner you have to be admitted to uni first so waiting to get that decision by Jan 15.


thanks! she will be doing hers 1/15 in boston!

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another quick question for you @Allie_Velasco1 ā€¦feel free to dm me. the second monologue choice that needs to be in verse is interesting isnā€™t it? anyway i wondered if they have a percentage of approx how many get through to auditions and how many they accept. i do know itā€™s a larger class size so iā€™m hoping that helps the odds once you pass prescreens. but thatā€™s probably wishful thinking :)))


Sorry, I disagree. I have been helping kids through this process for a very long time and every year, one of my kids has the difficult process of cutting a school loose that they and their family cannot afford. The amount of money to distribute can vary wildly year to year (one of my kids was incredibly sad to find that their top school was only able to give 25% of the award they had given the year before because of budget issuesā€¦then, the next year returned to giving larger amounts again that would have allowed them to attend). And there is no way to know that this early. One of the requirements before I will work with someone is that they have a goal to not be in tremendous debt when they graduate with a performing arts degree. No one gave me that advice when I went through and I paid off my loans in my 40s. I donā€™t want that for anyone. There are wonderful opportunities for merit, talent, leadership, and other scholarships out there but you will not know what you will be offered at this point in the season. Additionally, schools have a process for making offers. They understand and expect students to be mindful of receiving all their financial aid offers before making a decision. Ability to make a choice based on not only training provided, type of program, but also COST should be available to performing arts kids also. Cutting schools early is not going to make an impact on ultimately who gets in. Each school has their own method of making offers and many donā€™t even make offers until April.



Yes, the monologue choice is interesting! My D just did the classical monologue she had learned for some of her prescreens. I think that was fine. :sweat_smile: As far as their acceptance rate, itā€™s so hard to really know. I do believe thereā€™s is a little higher than some, because they do yield a larger class. But, they probably also have a lot of applicants, so itā€™s hard to say. Like most schools, they probably have a type they are looking for. I have no idea what that is, lol. They are dance heavy, as evidenced by the fact that there are 3 dance auditions, lol. Last year, my D had several friends apply and get callbacks. None were ultimately accepted. :disappointed:

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thanks for that info!!

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My son is at Boco and loving it. Let me tell you he is not a dancer and is in most Dance 1/2 levels. His roommate is in 5/6 for most. The great thing about Boco is that they are not a slave to type bc of the bigger class size. They will tell you this at the auditions. Other schools insist on having triple threats. So if you are very strong singer (one of his classmates is at Hollywood week in this years American Idol:) but not dancer they still will accept you. There are 8 levels of dance at Boco. Attitude is everything so if there is a dance call just have fun and be confident thatā€™s what they want from non-dancers. He said it was the hardest dance call (he went to most top 10 school dance calls) but he gave it his best and laughed and had fun. His friends at smaller schools have bigger issues with friendships because if you donā€™t gel with the other 6 boys or 6 girls its very rough. So thatā€™s something to consider as well:) Have great auditions- and donā€™t worry about the dance:):slight_smile:


thanks!! i thought that right away when i heard about class size and how they have smaller
cohorts and then change them up! much less potential
for drama imho having had a dd at a very small high school! any other tips
about how to kill the audition!? TIA and congrats to your son. sounds like he is very happy there

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Thatā€™s great advice! Do you by any chance know their acceptance rate? Boco is my Dā€™s absolute dream and has been since she decided she wanted to pursue MT as a career. So, I am hoping her chances are decent, especially compared to other reach schools. :crossed_fingers::grin:

For anyone waiting on U of Arizona, they said prescreen results should be released by Jan. 3rd. D emailed and asked because she was accepted academically.


@Allie_Velasco1 Thank you! That helps a great deal! My D was accepted academically in October so we have just been waiting and waiting for prescreen results:) good luck to us all:)