2026 BFA Prescreen Results


You are welcome! Yes, best of luck to all of us! :smiley:


Our daughter received a deferral result For her Emerson audition for musical theatre. We believe this is great news because it means she is still being considered in the springs pool of candidates. We are wondering if anyone has any advice or input with regards to being deferred by Emerson.


Deferred here too. Grateful it isn’t a no. This was one of her top 2 choices.


A lot of waitlists become acceptances. There is a lot of movement because a lot of same people are applying to the same schools and guess what, you can only pick one! So count it as a “win” for now and recognition of talent. This process is going to go on for hmmm, perhaps five more months? So hang in there, everyone!


My D heard back today from U of Miami and U of Oklahoma. Both prescreen passes, yay!


S accepted to Emerson for theater and performance! Very exciting!! If anyone has any info, thoughts or experience with the program would love to hear. He is interested in BFA acting (not MT). Thanks!


congrats!!! Wonderful program, very exciting! Definitely go visit. My S was accepted early too and it was a huge confidence boost!!! Enjoy the moment!



Congratulations! Wonderful news!


@Allie_Velasco1 did the University of Oklahoma come in email or on portal?

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@mom2eden It came from an email from getacceptd. I had to go in and click “continue” on her app and schedule the time. It all happened in getacceptd.


Congratulations - what wonderful news!


and miami….was that an email
get acceptd
also? tia!!!

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Yes, message came from getacceptd, but you don’t set up the callback on getacceptd. You have to fill out their BFA app and they contact you to schedule the date.

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Thanks!! Very excited for him and does help with confidence for all the auditions in January! Where is your S now (if that’s ok to ask?)

Of course! He is at UNCSA and absolutely loving it! Please reach out with any questions. BTW emerson was very stingy with aid, before UNCSA came through we petitioned for more and got a small award

Does anybody know how long it takes to hear back from Nazareth or Hartt ?


We didn’t apply to Nazareth, but Hartt was 1 month for my D.

My D was a no thank you for Oklahoma. This is her first “no” but she is taking it in stride.


I am so sorry! Onward and upward. Hugs!

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Good to know. Really appreciate it. UNCSA looks amazing. Thanks!

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