21-16 sit down!!!

<p>Thats right I am so tired of hearing how "GOOD" VT football is!!! You can't even beat a FCS Team!!!! JMU OWNED YOU!!!!! I AM SO GLAD JMU BEAT VT. LOOKS LIKE VT DOESN'T EVEN HAVE THE BEST FOOTBALL TEAM IN THE STATE!!!!! </p>

<p>Beamer, "it was a whirlwind week" your team has D-1 talent! You can't blame it on the short week. Learn to coach thats why you have only beaten 1 top ten team (#6 west virginia) in the history of the school. </p>


<p>This feels so good.</p>

<p>Really? Bragging on an internet forum? Maybe you should get out of your parents basement and find some friends</p>

<p>This is what it takes for you to feel good, student3311? That is sad. I hope you will learn there is a difference between cheering for your team/school and plain bashing the other guy. Be glad you won and leave it at that. </p>

<p>Virginia Tech is and will remain a great university, a fantastic football team and a school with lots of positive spirit. I’m sorry you can’t be a part of it – because then you might feel good more often.</p>

<p>You are not going to take the wind out of my sails. Look at the last time I posted before you say I am in the basement of my parents house.</p>

<p>My brother was at the game and told me about the atmosphere before and after the game, so lets talk about before and after.</p>

<p>Before: Redemption for the loosing to Boise State. We are going to destroy them. We are going to we by 50 points, Why did they even come, I hope they are happy with the $425,000 we paid them for the win.</p>

<p>After: Stunned and angry(positive school my a$$). Punches being thrown by Tech students at JMU students(yes this did happen). Show some class and not physically harm others, but again thats not your schools MO. </p>

<p>I have been told for longer then I can remember that if Tech and JMU ever played Tech would beat them so bad, and look at what happened. Show so humility! I am SO glad you lost. And you wonder why no schools in Virginia like Tech. Tech cocky and ungrateful at-least now when someone talk about VT football I can bring up JMU.</p>

<p>It is what it is, you can’t win them all.</p>

<p>Michael Jordan isn’t the best because he performed perfectly 100% of the time.</p>

<p>Look at BJ Penn, losing to an amateur twice in a row, a fight that everyone essentially unanimously agreed he would dominate.</p>

<p>If punches were thrown, I can bet the punches were drawn out. Tech isn’t going to just go up to a JMU student and punch him in the face because we lost. The JMU drew it out and you don’t need a losing game to draw out a punch. You can draw out a punch from me after we win the darn Championship for all I care if you push the right buttons. The dude’s mouth probably got what his mouth deserved. What you’re doing is probably what the JMU students who got punched were doing. So, as obviously apparent, the lack of maturity & class actually stemmed from you guys and you want to blame it on us.</p>

<p>But congrats, you guys did perform well and we just sucked, a well needed win in a very dry and boring VT vs. JMU record - now we’ll have a more interesting/fun rivalry. Fluke, skill, whatever, I’d still put money on it that it wouldn’t happen again which would then infer fluke. In the end, wouldn’t it be more respectful to cheer and root and celebrate in your own inactive JMU forum rather than insult and antagonize on ours? As you can see, our forum is pretty professional & respectful so your ■■■■■ comments aren’t going to draw out disruption. I just hope that you have courtesy after reading this and respond with respect but we’ll see how well JMU teaches & matures their students as you reply, if you do.</p>

<p>Good one.</p>

<p>At least we don’t provoke police and get so drunk in public that we have to be tear gassed.</p>

<p>You still go to JMU.</p>

<p>Chuy: You still go to Virginia Tech. The only thing you are know for is football and you can’t even beat JMU. </p>

<p>Virginia Tech is a JOKE, this is why all schools in VA hate Virginia Tech.</p>

<p>Hmmm what kind of students do they accept at JMU who can’t spell. Sorry, couldn’t help it.</p>

<p>Actually no I don’t go to VT. I graduated from there and now have a very nice job. Which is another thing VT has going for it, our graduates get good jobs.</p>

<p>Use your brain buddy. In competitive environments people don’t hate jokes, they hate the top.</p>

<p>Student3311, yes I’d like fries with that.</p>

<p>I would love to say Don’t feed the ■■■■■, but I can’t resist saying a couple of things.</p>

<li><p>Any educated student would never go down the road that 3311 did over a flipping football game.</p></li>
<li><p>How many students get taken off the VT wait list? Very few, and where do they go when they aren’t taken off the waitlist? JMU.</p></li>

<p>JMU is a very good LAC college. 10 will get you 20, 3311 got the thin envelope from VT and that is why they are at JMU.</p>

<li>Since JMU is not an ACC team, 3311 does not understand schools don’t hate Tech they hate UVA! That is for both Football and Basketball.</li>

<p>JMU outplayed VT on Saturday and truly earned the win. Great win for them; tough loss for our guys. </p>

<p>But… at least the quotes from Mickey Matthews in this morning’s paper show that we have some class and are gracious losers. I hope Student3311 takes note of the message:</p>

<p>"Matthews knew the week would be different when he went to church Sunday. Near the beginning of the service at First Presbyterian in Harrisonburg, the Rev. John Sloop put on a JMU hat.</p>

<p>“There’s a lot of Tech fans in our church,” Matthews said. “But they were all very nice and gave us an ovation.”</p>

<p>Matthews and his coaching staff are close to Tech’s coaches and said they sent some “gracious texts.” He said that while he was ecstatic for his players and JMU, seeing what the Hokies’ staff was going through after the game “took a little bit out” of his celebration."</p>

<p>JMU students have a massive inferiority complex that they offer nothing unique to the diverse spectrum of education in Virginia</p>

<p>UVA/W&M–>an elite liberal arts education (i’m going to grad school)
VT–>elite engineering, sciences, architecture, technology application (i’m entering the work force)</p>

<p>what does JMU have to offer? what makes JMU unique? UVA has TJ, W&M is a national treasure, and VT has a strong corps of cadets, proud military tradition, tight community, a unique blue collar mentality, a ring tradition older than JMU itself…again I ask, what does JMU have?</p>

<p>Quite a lot actually…One of the better music education/music technology programs around, art programs, visual and performing, are really sound, a great business school that has a high placement for internships in the DC area. In fact, JMU students do a lot of internship or practicums in the NOVA area. Education programs are terrific. Nice size, happy students…made even happier when they ran roughshod on us a few weeks back :slight_smile: </p>

<p>I find no reason to question the merits of JMU. It is a great choice of a school.</p>

<p>JMU has the #1 CIS program in the nation (at least it did). But the matter really is not about where you go but what you do and the experiences you obtain through EC’s/internships.</p>

<p>JMU is a great LAC school. Many Tech students like JMU just as much because the campus is very sim. Stone buildings, rolling hills, small knit town.</p>

<p>It is not a school to put down.</p>