24 credits next semester?

So right now I am taking 5 classes, total 12 credits(two of them being 1 credit, which are Intro CHE and ESP).

I am considering to take Physics 1 w/calc, English, Ochem 2 with a lab, Math 238differential equation, CHE 254 and CH 223. total 24 credits, which is 2 credits over max 22 credits(I have presidential scholarship).

What should I do?? I wanted to take physics this semester but as lots of you know, I had to register for classes late and I couldn’t find a single seat for physics and CH 223(qualitative analysis) until last Wednesday. Total bummer…any suggestion? I am trying to follow the flowchart as much as possible.

I do NOT think that is a good idea. You’re premed and that would be recipe for getting B’s or C’s.

Are you taking Ochem this semester? if so, you are already “ahead” and don’t need to take Ochem II next fall. If you feel that you need to take Ochem II next semester because you’re taking Ochem I this semester, then delay taking Physics.

Yeah I am taking Ochem 1 already, and it’s going well for now.
I want to take Ochem 2+lab after this so that I won’t forget Ochem 1 material,but you think it’s okay to take Physics 1 later? (I have physics 1 credit with AP but will take it anyway because my teacher was so bad)

I would not recommend any more than 18 credits. It’s a shame you only have 12 credits this semester. Were you not able to get into English this semester? Are there any Spring II semester classes you need?

Remember that I registered REALLY late…like after almost all kids finished registering.

I AM in English class. A regular English class except it’s designed for ‘non native speakers’. Since I am a non native speaker, I am taking a full advantage of my status(never thought my status would help me). Quite boring but virtually free A for me.

Also I wanted to take PH 105 and History of Science since 1678 but the seats were unavailable. Same for CH 223(qualitative analysis).

Hi Paul! Beady Mom made a great suggestion.

Go to MyBama and look for “Spring II” courses. Sign up is right now. The courses start Feb. 9. Most seem to be online. For instance, there are Anthropology courses, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Art History, etc. Would any of these courses fill a spot in your degree?

Are they on Look Up the Classes? I can’t find them :frowning:

Will my transcript show if the class is an online course? Is online course equally respected as good ol’ traditional classes?

Hi Paul! This is from an email that my D received.

"Registration for Spring 2 is now open! Classes begin February 9th. Don’t miss your chance to register for extra hours this semester. Register online through myBama. To view course offerings, access the Student Tab, click Class Schedule and select Spring 2015. Highlight all subjects, and then select Spring II (10 week) in the Part of Term field.

You may also use Schedule Builder to view and potentially add Spring 2 courses to your schedule. Be sure to select the Spring 2 option under Parts of Term and that you are including online classes in the Campus block."

You need to “highlight” ALL of the subjects. Then you click on “Spring II” term. You should then get quite a long list of courses. Some will be only for “early college” and the Army folks. Those won’t be for you. There are many other classes. HTH!!

I don’t know if the transcript will show an online class. I wouldn’t think so. My D is taking her first online class at Bama this term.

I love your suggestions, but science classes don’t seem to have online courses. How terrible!
Some classes like history classes are online, but unfortunately those are something I abhorred during high school.
Wish there was History of Science from 1687 online course

@paul2752 Our local community college has Math Differential Equations on line in the summer and Bama accepts it. Can you do any summer courses at home? I know this may not be possible with money, but worth looking into the cost.