What to take? Class Registration Help

<p>So, as I am getting an idea of what I need for my first semester as my early June BB aproaches quickly. As of now, I know that I will probably take a 101 language and try to get into honors bio. After that, however, that is where the speed bumps pop up. Let me start by saying that I will have many AP credits. I have Chem 101, all of my social/behavioral sciences and history, my freshman comp, and my math are all out of the way. I have several dilemas:</p>

<li><p>I am not sure which Physics 1__ class to take. I have taken AP Physics (trig-based) but did not take the test. I am trying to decide whether to take Physics with trig or with calculus. I have taken Calculus.</p></li>
<li><p>I have to find a way to get my Humanities/Literature/Fine Arts credits. Would those be the credits to take through the Honors College?</p></li>

<p>Thanks to anyone who replies for the help!</p>

<li><p>Take calculus-based physics if you plan on majoring in anything science-related, though taking that at the same time as honors bio may be difficult.</p></li>
<li><p>Humanities and Fine Arts courses are great options to take through the Honors College. Literature is offered through the English department, so while it can count towards your 18 honors hours, AFAIK there are no UH courses that would satisfy the literature requirement.</p></li>

<p>Remember that you can always change your classes after Bama Bound. Many of us took only a couple of courses and course sections that we registered for during Bama Bound and switched the rest.</p>


<p>What is your major?</p>

<p>Even if you are a pre-med major, I don’t believe that calc based physics is necessary. Calculus is necessary though as well as statistics. This info is from the Harvard Med school site.</p>


<p>I see that you’re an engineering major from another post. Which specialty will you be? (I also see that you’re a NMF, congrats!)</p>

<p>AeroE, EE, ChemE, Industrial, Comp Sci, MechE, MetalE all require Physics w/Calc. </p>

<p>Are you pre-med also? If so, Physics w/ Calc is acceptable for the physics req’t…so you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>Both my kids took Physics with Calc. If you need prof names, let me know.</p>

<p>Are you aware of the Freshman Engineering Program req’d for incoming frosh engineers?</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1131632-freshmen-engineering-program.html?highlight=engineering[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1131632-freshmen-engineering-program.html?highlight=engineering&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>AeroE, EE, ChemE, Industrial, Comp Sci, MechE, MetalE all require Physics w/Calc.</p>

<p>Just an FY for Comp. Sci majors - this is not the case, at least not according to DSs advisor or his DegreeWorks - </p>

<p>Needed: 8 credits in approved Natural Science electives. Approved electives must be chosen from major courses. No natural science electives designed for non-majors will be applied to your degree program. Computer Science majors are required to earn a total of 12 credits in Natural Science courses. Of those 12, 8 must be in sequence. Please see the Basic Courses in Computer Engineering below for a list of acceptable Natural Science sequences.
(then lists 12 or so choices, Physics w/Calc. is among those but not required)</p>

<p>Unless we’re missing something here - which could be the case.</p>


<p>I forgot that Comp Sci req’ts did change req’ts with the new catalog. </p>

<p>Under the older catalogs (such as 2008-10), physics with Cal was required. </p>

<p>COMPUTER SCIENCE CURRICULUM (previous catalog)</p>


<p>First Semester Hours
COM 123 Public Speaking 3
CS 114 Introduction to Computer Programming 3
CS 116 Introduction to Problem Solving 1
EN 101 English Composition I (FC) 3
MATH 125 Calculus I (MA) 4 </p>


<p>14 </p>

<p>Second Semester
CS 124 Introduction to Computer Science (C) 3
EN 102 English Composition II (FC) 3
MATH 126 Calculus II (MA) 4
PH 105 General Physics with Calculus I (N) 4 </p>


<p>14 </p>

<p>However, with the current catalog (which last year’s frosh and next year’s frosh follow), phyics isn’t required at all (for some reason…maybe because of the new Frosh Eng’g Program). </p>

First Semester Hours </p>

<p>CS 121 The Discipline of Computing 1
CS 150 Programming I 2
CS 160 Computer Science Concepts 1
EN 101 English Composition I (FC) 3
ENGR 111 Engineering the Future 1
ENGR 131 Engineering Concepts & Design I 1
MATH 125 Calculus I (MA) 4 </p>


<p>13 </p>

<p>Second Semester<br>
CS 250 Programming II (C) 2
CS 260 Foundations of Computer Science 3
EN 102 English Composition II (FC) 3
ENGR 141 Engineering Concepts & Design II 1
ENGR 151 Fundamental Engineering Graphics or
ART 131 Design II (3 hours) 1
MATH 126 Calculus II (MA) 4 </p>


<p>14 </p>

<p>I checked the other engineering sections and they all still require Physics with Cal.</p>

<p>As to my major, I am actually going to be a microbiology/pre-med major. As for fine arts, I was wondering if any bands (jazz or wind ensemble) would count for a fine art. In the area of humanities credits in the honors college, what are some of the more interesting classes?</p>

<p>Ahhh…Microbiology and pre-med.
[University</a> of Alabama Undergraduate Catalog 2010-12](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>You can do either Physics with that major.</p>

<p>*As for fine arts, I was wondering if any bands (jazz or wind ensemble) would count for a fine art.</p>

<p>I don’t think so. If you go to this page, then click on Humanities…look at the FA classes. </p>

<p>there are classes in the Honors College that also fulfill FA.</p>

<p>In the area of humanities credits in the honors college, what are some of the more interesting classes? *</p>

<p>Oh my…there are so many…
<a href=“http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/uploads/forms/Current%20Students/honorscourses_interim_summer_fall2011.pdf[/url]”>http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/uploads/forms/Current%20Students/honorscourses_interim_summer_fall2011.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Starting on page 4 there are just so many interesting choices.</p>

<p>Hi Jaguar! I’m also majoring in microbiology and planning on premed! I’ll be a freshman in the fall. :)</p>

<p>Hey zgrace, send me a PM. We can be friends on Facebook and the like! I am so excited for the fall. Also, does anybody know how the Arts and Parody class is? I have heard only great things but have a feeling the spots will not be large in number.</p>

<p>My son took Honors Fine Arts and Parody with Dr. Cary and really liked it. It’s not a large class…just up to 15 students…and they sat around a conference table and discussed the subject matter and/or presented their examples/projects.</p>