More Questions Regrading Freshman Schedule

<p>My DD and I have spent most of the day working on possibilities for her fall freshman schedule (Chem & Bio Engineering/pre-med). We have had little success in getting assistance from the freshman engineering program- yes we have read the FAQ’s :-), so we are turning to the wealth of knowledge on this board. </p>

<p>AP credits:</p>

<p>AP Lang & Comp -5
AP Euro Hist-5
AP Calc AB-5</p>

<p>Current AP classes:</p>

<p>AP Calc BC
AP Spanish Lang- looking into the CLEP
AP Lit- Is there any value to taking this AP exam? Can the credits be used for something other than freshman english credit.</p>

<p>Here is what we have so far for a possible schedule:</p>

<p>CH 101- 4 credits
MA 126- 4 credits (currently getting an A+ in AP Calc BC, got a 5 of AP AB exam)
ENGR 111- 1 credit
ENGR 131- 1 credit
ENGR 151- 1 credit
CHE 125- 1 credit
UH 103 (AA) 1 credit</p>

<p>All of the above are required. It seems to me she has room for a 3 credit class. Any thoughts? I remember reading about some fun honors courses, but can’t seem to find the thread, although I think she needs one 3 credit class rather than another 1 credit one.</p>

<p>Since you are OOS, I would encourage your daughter to take the Alabama Action or Outdoor Action class. It’s one credit, with the work done before the semester cranks up. It is an outstanding opportunity to meet other freshmen, as well as move into the dorms earlier when it is not so busy. My son did not know anyone when he got to UA. He did Alabama Action, and some of those students are still close friends.</p>

<p>Opps. She is signed up for AA. I forgot to include</p>

<p>Don’t have our stuff in front of me, but was thinking my D was thinking of a 3 credit honors seminar?</p>

<p>D only got credit for 1 of the 2 AP English exams she took so unless something has changed for this year, you only get credit for one. Now, her HS may have some rule that she has to take the test if she takes the class and she may want to take it anyway because everyone else is and why not since she’s prepped for it. Or if she needs one more test for the next level of AP Scholar awards</p>

<p>Check closely at the Eng. credits; my S got credits applied to both Eng 101 & 102. However, his HS classes (comp. & lit.) and tests were AP/IB; don’t know if that made the difference. </p>

<p>Math-wise it seems identical to his and he had no problem going into the Math 126. </p>

<p>Everything in you’re plan is similar to his first semester. He liked the load, found it doable at a time of transition with time to explore (not overdo) possible interests. He did include the Freshmen Honors Connection - great way to meet others and learn about UA; also did AA. As noted over and over again - do not overload - coming in with credits helps.</p>

<p>To clarify…</p>

<p>If you get a 4 on ONE of the AP English courses, then you get credit for both Frosh Comp classes.</p>

<p>So, if you get a 4 on both AP English classes, then you won’t get additional credits.</p>