<p>Hi guys. Does anyone know when NMSC notifies finalist about the $2500 scholarships? Do they only notify winners, or do they notify all finalists regardless?</p>
<p>Hi guys. Does anyone know when NMSC notifies finalist about the $2500 scholarships? Do they only notify winners, or do they notify all finalists regardless?</p>
<p>My daughter’s letter in 2010 was dated March 25th.</p>
<p>I think they only notify winners.</p>
<p>I just read someplace that the $2500 winner letters were sent out March 22nd. Has anyone received one of these yet? It sounds like you will only be notified if you receive one.</p>
<p>My son received the award notification today…</p>
<p>Guess I’ve got something else to worry about with the mail in the next 2 weeks.</p>
<p>I got mine today too :)</p>
<p>Did you have to list a first choice school to receive the award…or could you remain undecided?</p>
<p>Forgot to turn in a first choice school as all accepatances are not in yet.</p>
<p>I believe from what I have read in other threads that you needed to pick a first choice school. It sounds like if you were being considered for the $2500 and hadn’t then they contacted you to find out the school you picked. I guess before they award it, they have to know that you are going to an accredited school.</p>
<p>My letter arrived today! I just picked a first choice school from amongst my applicants back when I submitted the application, will be updating it when I make the choice.</p>
<p>How many people get the scholarship? Or do most people who are finalists receive it too and therefore it isn’t as “unique”? :)</p>
<p>sunshine…About 2500 finalists receive the $2500 scholarship. Basically, about 1 out of every 6. Many of the other finalists receive a university sponsored award (depending on their selection of a first choice college) or a corporate sponsored award. Any finalist who receives any of these awards is considered a National Merit Scholar.</p>
<p>Received mine today in Vermont. Just wish it was earlier so I could’ve actually told colleges about it…</p>
<p>I’m curious now… I haven’t selected a college/remained undecided and was never contacted about it. Could I have possibly not received the $2500 scholarship due to my undecided status? Or would they have contacted me telling me to pick a school if I were in the running for the scholarship? This is all very confusing… haven’t heard anything at all from National Merit Corp since the finalist standing mail.</p>
<p>of the 15,000 NMFs, only 2500 students will get the one time 2500 award.</p>
<p>Mine came in the mail today :)</p>
<p>zomggg, my S2 had undecided down but about a month ago he was sent a letter telling him he had to pick a university asap and send this information to them. Saturday he got the notice he was a 2500 nm scholar. I think that if you were being considered for this you would have gotten the letter too. (Although I am not an expert. S1 did not get the letter nor did he receive the scholarship. He did get a nice $2,000 per year NMF award from his university though.) Good luck.</p>
<p>My letter arrived yesterday! :)</p>
<p>@zomggg I also put down undecided on my application, but National Merit Corp called me a couple weeks ago to say I was being seriously considered for a scholarship and that I needed to fax them where I was planning to matriculate at that time ASAP.</p>
<p>Did any of you receive with your letter the “Terms of the Scholarship?” Because I was waitlisted at the school I put down, I will be transferring my scholarship to another school. So, do I accept the offer and send in the change of college form later, or do I decline the offer, given I likely won’t be attending the first-choice school I put down?</p>
<p>314159265- I would not decline the offer. It is my understanding that both the corporate and the $2500 scholarships are transferable so you will just have to send in your change of college choice. Congrats!</p>