2nd semester schedule help! Classes too hard?

<p>Hi everyone.
I'm a current freshman at UofR, and as registration for my second semester draws ever nearer, I find myself needing help deciding which classes to take. As of now, I'm taking
1. Bio 112 -- Clark. I don't know how I feel about this class yet. If I'm doing poorly, I 100% blame myself for not staying on top of the readings.
2. Mth 165 -- Palsson. He's a good teacher, rather 'by-the-book' but still good.
3. Chm 131 -- Krugh. Interesting!
4. Wrt 105 -- Goodfellow. I enjoy her and this class.</p>

<p>For second semester, there are just so many options.
This is what I'm taking
1. Bio 111 vs. 113? I guess it depends on how I perform in 112. But what has everyone heard about each?
2. Mth 150 vs. 164? As a potential second major in Math (in addition to Biochem), I would have to take 164. But maybe I just want a minor...I don't know...or maybe I don't want either.
3. Eng 200s? Is it reasonable to never have taken an English class and jump into a 200-series class. I know it's permitted, but will it be an academic shock?
4. Chm 132.</p>


<p>111 vs 113 second semester freshman bio. In D2’s experience, there was not a whole lot of carry over from first to second semester in terms of material. Go with whichever instructor you prefer. (Keep in mind, though, it might appear a bit odd to those unfamiliar with UR’s bio program if you ‘step down’ from 113 to 111.)</p>

<p>If you have any thoughts at all about pursuing a math major, take MTH 164. 164 is part of the foundational requirements for all math degrees. MTH 150 isn’t. You will need MTH 164 before you can move on to take upper level electives/requirements. (D also found the material in 164 more useful than that covered in 150–even before she decided to change her minor to a major.)</p>

<p>The math dept offers excellent advising for its students (and potential students), ask for appointment with the department advisor and talk to him/her about your options. The advisor will explain the difference between the material in 150 and 164.</p>

<p>CHM–why wouldn’t you take the second half of the course? General chem is full year sequence. You really do need both halves of the course.</p>

<p>Can’t speak about the ENG dept’s expectations.</p>

<p>It might help with the advice if you can articulate your educational goals. Are you going to be a science major? Double major? What fields? Do you have post-undergrad educational plans? (Med school, grad school?)</p>