Today I was talking with a friend about school and grades, of course, came up. Looking at all my classes, I just realized that I will probably end up with a 3.1 (3.3 in a veeeery ideal situation) GPA at the end of my first semester in college. To give context,
- I’m doing 18 credits, granted 3 classes(3,3,1) are due to a computing exploration program I’m in, so they’re beginner level classes. 2 of the exploration classes are Bs that should be As, but aren’t due to pretty inexcusable reasons.
- 8 credits(4,4) are my CS 1(B) and calc© class, probably my two hardest/most important classes and unfortunately, lowest grades right now.
- Last 3 credits are for a required humanities class which I should have done better in but will likely get an A- in.
- I’m also dedicate 10-12 hours a week to extracurriculars, one musical and one academic/professional. 8 hours to work, which is the minimum hour requirement to be able to work.
I plan on doing Computer Science or Software Engineering as a major which are fields where a GPA might not be a huge factor given projects etc, but I’m still quite worried. Should I be worried about ending my first semester with such a low GPA?