3.2 Gpa 2200 SAT >_<

<p>Hi, im looking for good schools on the eastern shore which i would be a good match for. My UW-GPA is 3.2 while my WGPA is a 4.3. My EC's are good but not outstanding, i have over 500 hours put into working at the nearby hospital (dont know if this is important at all >_>). My SAT score is 740M/740CR/720W. I know my GPA is really low but im really hoping on finding atleast some kind of decent college. Also my parents are the stereotypical asian parents and would like a decent to high ranked college. Thanks for the time.</p>

<p>Fordham, NYU, Northeastern, Boston U, American U, Syracuse, Lehigh. What major are you interested in? Do you want schools in the north or south?</p>

<p>Well i live in Maryland, so i guess both north and south are viable, however id rahter have schools near my area or the south as i just associate north with cold. Haha</p>

<p>Sounds more or less like my situation, lol. ^^ I’ll be interested to see what advice people give you.</p>

<p>Its hard to recommend schools unless we know what you are interested in studying…there are thousands of schools on the east coast</p>

<p>Well for a major im undecided, but im leaning for a pre-med track. I’m not sure if that helps at all.</p>

<p>University of Maryland: College Park would be a safety for you and cheap!</p>

<p>Well too add to GiggitusMaximus’s list… Tufts, Villanova, Boston College… ur GPA will probably keep you out of these schools… i hear that Tufts took a kid with a 3.0 and 2200 during ED though so definitely worth a shot</p>

<p>Im not sure about College park being a safety as from what i hear it would actually be a reach for me due to my gpa :C. Also yeah i would expect schools like tufts and villanova to be out of my league but thanks ^^.</p>

still wanting to know if what Mondo said about college park being a safety is right. That is the main school im wondering about so if it is a safety i would be very surprised.</p>

<p>3.2 unweighted but 4.3 weighted? That’s a huge disparity… are you taking the most rigorous courseload?</p>

<p>It really depends on which high school you go to and if UMD takes a lot from your high school or not. I’m from MD myself; do you go to a high school in Montgomery County? PG? Howard? College Park is getting more and more competitive, but if your high school is one of the best in MD and typically sends a lot of kids to top schools, and if you’re taking most rigorous courseload possible, I don’t see why College Park would be a particular reach… but then again, 3.2 is a bit low, but I just can’t help but ask how can you get a 3.2 but a 4.3 weighted?</p>

<p>Well i go to Dulaney High, which i doubt is prestigous at all. Its located in timonium ><em>>. Anyway yeah our school has a step in between honors and AP which we call G/T. This counts as much as an AP course except theres no test at the end and in total i have around 17 G/T and AP’s combined. Yeah ></em>></p>

<p>You understand your GPA is low, but what makes you think your SAT is high?</p>

<p>lol wut?</p>

<p>^^^ Probably the fact that 2200 is at the 99th percentile nationally.</p>

<p>lolwut? Well i just meant it was high in relation to like the 25-75% at College park. I didn’t mean to come off sounding arrogant.</p>


I waz kidding brah</p>

<p>Its hard to tell joking behavior on the internet sometimes >_<. But yeah hopefully my gpa wont completely wreck my chances at a decent college.</p>