<p>Aw, I feel much better about my chances now. Thanks everyone.</p>
<p>My unweighted GPA is around 3.68, because my school gives no extra consideration to AP/honors courses, so various people ranked ahead of me have never taken any such courses.
My rank is just outside the top 15%.
I hope to go to either UChicago or the University of Rochester.</p>
<p>oh this is fun.
3.87 unweighted, 4.somethingsomething weighted. maybe .21?</p>
<p>3.6UW, 3.884 weighted, rank: ~55/360, 1330: 710:710:760</p>
<p>accepted: nyu, lehigh, syracuse, rutgers, gw, michigan
waitlisted: unc, washu
rejected: cornell</p>
<p>going to nyu to study business.</p>
<p>Ummm, about 3.395 UW, probably around 3.8~ W (we don't do GPAs, long story), 790V/700M, 790/750/750, ~40/86 (we don't rank either)</p>
<p>Accepted Dartmouth ED</p>
<p>^ Wow, you got into Dartmouth with a 3.395?! That's amazing, now my confidence is much higher, heh.</p>
<p>From the trends here at our school...I have come to the conclusion that Dartmouth, Tufts, and Georgetown do not look at the numbers. :</p>
<p>theo did you have some amazing ECs or a great hook?</p>
<p>You should also come to the conclusion that a single number can no way give an accurate view of a person's academic abilities. Along with my stellar 3.395 I had excellent teacher and counselor recs, essays that I am still amazed I could write, and an awesome interview. I also made it very clear what areas I was interested in, and I had the grades in those areas where it counted. Looking at my number you wouldn't see someone who had a lousy freshman year because of very personal reasons, struggled through Bio and Chem before realizing that he liked physics, and who did something other than study with his life every now and then. I think that it's great that those schools don't look at the numbers alone, but rather use all the pieces of the app to try to piece together a real person.</p>
<p>~3.6 U.W., ~4.5 W</p>
<p>1430 SAT. 730/720/710.</p>
<p>Got into: Carleton (ED II), Reed (Never Finished the App.), U. Michigan (Honors Program).</p>
<p>Pretty sure my essays helped tremendously.</p>
<p>3.48 GPA UW. 1310 SAT. 600V 710M ~3.6 GPA W
Accepted: Carleton, Grinnell, Whitman, UCLA, UCB, UCD, UCSD, GA Tech
Rejected: Cornell, Claremont Mckenna, Colgate</p>
<p>Attending GA Tech for engineering (mechanical)</p>
<p>3.9 u/w
4.7 w
28 ACT
top 1%
many, many EC incl county and statewide leadership positions
APs and 19 credits from local college</p>
<p>Accepted (into Civil Engineering or just Engineering): Smith, Lehigh, Lafayette, Miami, Syracuse, UMD Honors, UDel Honors, Northeastern, and some lesser schools
Rejected: None</p>
<p>Going to UDel Honors with mucho scholarship money! :)</p>
<p>Congrats everyone and good luck next year to others!</p>
<p>Accepted: Columbia, Duke, Georgetown, NYU, Washington and Lee
Rejected: Princeton, Yale
Wait-listed: Boston College (yea, i don't get it either)</p>
<p>Attending: Vanderbilt :)</p>
<p>My D's stats:</p>
<p>3.68 UW - 6 APs - 4 in senior year - All As in senior year and in all APs
SATI -1370 - SAT II - 740Wr, 700Lit, 650Math SATII
Ranked in top 20%</p>
<p>Accepted: UCD, UCSB, UCSC, Univ. of Washington, U of Oregon, Univ. of Puget Sound, Lewis & Clark (Received merit $$ from UO, UPS and L&C)</p>
<p>Waitlisted: Colgate</p>
<p>Rejected: Stanford, Tufts, Vassar, Wesleyan, Whitman and UCLA</p>
<p>Will Attend: Univ. of Puget Sound</p>
<p>She probably should have taken SAT I one more time (took it twice in junior year), and spent a little more time studying before her senior year, but she's very happy to be attending UPS.</p>
<p>As this thread indicates, a 3.6UW is not the end of the world. However, it is a bit of an uphill battle, and you should do your best to ensure that the rest of your application is wonderful. Stellar SAT II scores will show that you really know your material. Over the summer, put together your 'resume' of ec's, jobs, awards, other stuff. This may take a while, but you will have it ready to hand your teachers so they can better write their rec's. Ask for your rec's early - so your teachers are not annoyed or too busy.</p>
<p>Visit and interview whenever possible; the more the schools can see of you (not just your GPA or rank) the better they can imagine you there and contributing to the community.</p>
<p>I should add that the reason why I responded is that at my school they calculate ALL classes into your GPA and not just core. Most colleges use core only... if calculated with core only, it would be around a 3.7</p>
<p>... just FYI</p>
<p>charleszhou how did u get accepted at berk and LA with those stats. I thought UCs were all about numbers</p>
<p>i don't know.... i'm asian too so the chances are against me.. beats me...</p>
<p>did u have some amazing ECs or essays</p>
<p>Must've had some insane ECs</p>