<p>Just wondering, I just got a copy of my transcript, and after sophomore year I had a 3.6 UW GPA in all honors classes. Is that respectable? I see so many 3.8/3.9 on here that I'm feeling rather inferior over here...I don't wanna go IVY, but what about some LACs, do I have shots there (I'm only talking GPA-wise, here, I have NO worries about my SAT/SAT 2)? This year I'm taking 4 APs in 7 periods (not including gym), but the UW GPA shouldn't change much. So...what do you all think? Thanks in advance.</p>
<p>hey I am from NJ and have a 3.62 UW too! but I have a 5.4/6.9 weighted. I was wondering the same thing...everyone on this board has 3.9,4.0's, isnt a 3.62 decent? bumpp!</p>
<p>Board started moving kinda fast...any comments?</p>
<p>EDIT: Haha, we posted the same time. Anyways, I thought a 3.6 was decent, but apparently it's not that great. I'm at Millburn, and I'm taking a crazy hard course-load, where are you at? Oh yea, weighted GPA as of now is right around a 3.93/4.5 (Nobody gets a 4.5, the most I've heard of is 4.28)</p>
<p>Pushin it to the top...</p>
<p>yes, you have a chance</p>
<p>... my HS was kinda like yours I think. Weighted classes were 4.5, but the highest gpa was like 4.2, only a few people over 4.0 weighted.</p>
<p>i dont really feel comfortable posting my high school, but I am in Camden County at a very competitive high school</p>