<p>Is a 3.89 Freshman Fall GPA from Dartmouth good enough for transfer to HYM?</p>
<p>What kind of question is this lol?</p>
<p>Of course that's a good gpa, it's only .11 points from perfect but I don't know anything else about you so I don't see how you expect to get any kind of meaningful response.</p>
<p>Oh I just wanted to know GPA-wise =)</p>
<p>I was worried it's not high enough because I read that even Wharton has an average GPA of 3.9 for its transfer admit pool.</p>
<p>Is a high school gpa of 3.75 bad for transfer?</p>
<p>coming from Dartmouth dude (with a 3.9)I think what you did in high school is not going to matter much.</p>
<p>If you're hoping to get into Wharton then you better have some killer business EC's too, that always seems to be a big deal there. Also Dartmouth's recruiting is phenomenal, I wouldn't worry too much if you don't get into Wharton.</p>
<p>where else are you applying?</p>
<p>Would it hurt a lot if I dropped some high school ECs and picked up others in college? E.g. I've never done Model UN in HS (not offered in my country), but I'm on the Dartmouth team. Used to do theater but dropped it.</p>