<p>If i were to put down the deposit for a dorm right now (I was accepted 1/27), does this bind me to USC? I still would like to wait for scholarship results before committing, but would putting this housing deposit down bind me to attend USC?</p>
<p>No it doesn’t bind you. It’s a good idea to put down a housing deposit so that you can have priority in choosing your housing. Also if at a later date you change your mind about which dorm you choose, you won’t lose your priority.
If you choose not to attend USC, you only lose the $30 since it’s not refundable.
You only commit to USC when you pay the $400 or so fee by May 1st.</p>
<p>Excellent. Thanks for the clarification.</p>
<p>So we can submit one dorm and then change our minds later about which housing we want? </p>
<p>And we will still be way ahead of line?</p>
<p>Yes lawlzatyou. Students can change their mind after having tours of the dorms during Explore sessions or for whatever reason. Your priority stays the same.</p>
<p>Wow, I accidentally posted twice my bad.</p>
<p>Yay! I guess I will submit my money early then.</p>