4.0 GPA realistic?

<p>I'm moving to an IB school next year as a junior and my gpa suffered a bit first semester of sophomore year (current cumulative is 3.8) i really want to get into pepperdine university, or any prestigious UC's but i'm concerned that IB will force my gpa down. </p>

<p>i'm taking Math SL, Bio SL and English SL (not going for the diploma). if i settle for the certificate program, is a 4.0 realistic?</p>

<p>(also, i thoroughly learned AP Calc AB from a tudor, so should Math SL be a breeze?)</p>

<p>Umm, I’m sure it’s possible but it’s ridiculously hard to maintain a 4.0. There is so much that IB requires and work that your GPA might not go down, but you can’t just assume that you will have a 4.0. But, just read you are doing certificate program and basically maintain your work and know how to analyze everything.</p>

<p>I’m in the diploma program and a lot of my friends have straight As (I got one B freshmen year.) it requires a lot of work, but prioritizing helps a ton. If you are good at math then maybe study more for history like I do. Whatever works for you, but I would say it can be done</p>

<p>bump! i’d like more responses,
so for IB classes;
IB Math SL (i’ve already taken the AP Calc AB test, assuming i got a 4 or 5)
IB English SL</p>

<p>so besides math SL,
how hard is it to get an A in Bio and English? i’m really aiming for a 4.0 (my non-IB classes arent much of a concern)</p>

<p>If you have already taken calc then you definitely shouldn’t be just taking Math Studies. You should go with Math Methods SL, if you are already through Calc. Also English SL can’t be too bad because I’m in HL and it has been fairly easy this year. So an A in English SL can definitely be done!</p>

<p>Standard Math (at my school at least) is the equivalent of AP Math, so it definitely shouldn’t be a breeze – it’ll probably be the same level of difficulty you’re used to.
Standard Bio is pretty easy, be prepared for a lot of statistics though!</p>

<p>IB Math SL is pretty much AP Calc AB and PreCalc (PreCalc is IB Math SL year 1, imo), so I think you’ll be fine in that, since you already took the AP test for that.</p>

<p>I’m not in Bio (Physics and Chem for me, hehe), but I heard it’s not hard. People usually call it the easiest IB science. There’s a lot of memorization, though, so get a lot of flashcards and stuff.</p>

<p>I took IB English isn’t too bad; if you’re a hardworking student who doesn’t half-ass their essays, you’ll do great! :)</p>