4 APs and IB physics

My high school is offering IB for the first time next year my junior year. I will not be doing the diploma because I’m ahead in math and would have a year a review before learning anything and the teacher for the calculus-based class has never taught calculus while at my high school and when I had her for algebra 2 knew the motions, but not the reasoning for the concepts. My plan is to take 4 aps

Ap bio
Ap calc bc
Ap U.S. History
Ap. comp

Also, I will be taking

Spanish 4 honors
Gym/some elctive

Should I take IB physics SL instead of honors physics or would it be too much

SLs don’t count for anything outside of the diploma, so I would just compare curriculum and pick your favorite. Don’t assume SL is more rigorous than honors until you break it down. You don’t have physics 1 AP on offer?

    Your school doesn't have HL math? It is an accredited IB school or just applying? 

We were authorized last week. There is no HL math. There is no ap physics unless you take it online. There is the incentive of honors physics being weighted 1.2 and honors 1.1.

If your school does not offer HL math (or HL math special topics - I think that one goes even further), there is no good reason to compromise your studies for the IBD if you retain rigor.

I have already decided not to do IB diploma. I could take IB physics individually and that’s what I’m not sure about.

It honestly, in my opinion, depends on if you like physics. I am in SL physics and I find it enjoyable. Id recommend SL physics over honors because honors probably either covers less material or does not go as in depth as SL, since you would only have honors for one year.

I do not think it would be too much more work for you. I am in 4 other IB classes and an AP and managing.

The SL physics would be a single year class and I am interested in physics.

What is your intended college major?

Something in the sciences probably physics